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addAction with variables and deleteVehicles?

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I'm trying to make my script more efficient by just having one .SQF file and I'm having problems with the following:

strobeOff = player addAction [("<t color=""#FF003F"">" + ("MS-2000 Off") +"</t>"), "",{
strobe = false;
detach _irstrobe;
_irstrobe setPosATL [-10000,-10000,100000];
deleteVehicle _irstrobe

Anyone care to help me out? :)

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Anyone care to help me out? :)

Sure. Carefully read addAction again.

So your second argument (which should be the script that is executed once the action fires) is an empty string, while your third argument is a code-block, that get's passed as extra-arguments to the script you've declared to be an empty string...

In short: you really need to call an extra-script with addAction.

If this really bothers you that much (it annoyed the hell out of me :p), then you can write yourself some wrapper-functions you're going to use from then on instead of directly calling addAction. You'd need your own addAction and removeAction functions, while your addAction function maintaines a list of all added actions and calls always the same extra-script, that looks up the code associated to your action....

If you need an example, go here and look for \RUBE\fn_addAction.sqf and company, included in the RUBE library.

Feel free to copy/use/modify these as you like...

Or for a quick glance:



   addAction wrapper function with the main advantage that we're able
   to use code-blocks as callbacks instead of yet another sqs/sqf file.
   (we store the callbacks for later usage, while calling a delegator script
    that retrieves the callback and calls it...)

   -> use RUBE_removeAction instead of the command removeAction. While the 
      latter works too, it won't delete/clear up the callback-function that
      RUBE_addAction has put into some internal array... (though shouldn't
      be that bad either...)

   _this: parameters (array of array [key (string), value (any)])

          - required:

            - "object" (object)
              - the object which the action is assigned to 
            - "title" (string/struct. text)
            - "callback" (code)
              - get's passed:
                 _this select 0: target (object) - the object which the action is assigned to 
                 _this select 1: caller (object) - the unit that activated the action 
                 _this select 2: action-id (integer) - ID of the activated action 
                 _this select 3: arguments

          - optional:

            - "arguments" (any)
            - "priority" (integer, default = 0)
            - "showWindow" (bool, default = false)
            - "hideOnUse" (bool, default = false)
            - "shortcut" (string)
              - one of the `key names`, 
                see: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_CfgDefaultKeysMapping
            - "condition" (string)
              - bound variables: 
                - _target: unit to which action is attached to
                - _this: caller/executing unit


      _actionID = [
          ["object", player],
          ["title", "call action"],
          ["callback", { hint format["addAction call:\n%1", _this]; }]
      ] call RUBE_addAction;

      // ... and maybe at some later point:
      [player, _actionID] call RUBE_removeAction;

   actionID (integer)

private ["_obj", "_title", "_callback", "_args", "_priority", "_showWindow", "_hideOnUse", "_shortcut", "_condition", "_callbacks", "_actionID"];

_obj = objNull;
_title = "";
_callback = {};
_args = [];
_priority = 0;
_showWindow = false;
_hideOnUse = false;
_shortcut = "";
_condition = "true";

// read parameters
  switch (_x select 0) do
     case "object": { _obj = _x select 1; };
     case "title": { _title = _x select 1; };
     case "callback": { _callback = _x select 1; };
     case "arguments": { _args = _x select 1; };
     case "priority": { _priority = _x select 1; };
     case "showWindow": { _showWindow = _x select 1; };
     case "hideOnUse": { _hideOnUse = _x select 1; };
     case "shortcut": { _shortcut = _x select 1; };
     case "condition": { _condition = _x select 1; };      
} forEach _this;

// register action callback

// add action
_actionID = _obj addAction [_title, "RUBE\fn\fn_addActionCall.sqf", _args, _priority, _showWindow, _hideOnUse, _shortcut, _condition];

if (_actionID < 0) exitWith { -1 };

// first let's check if the object in question already
// has a slot for it's action callbacks...
_callbacks = [];

  if ((_x select 0) == _obj) exitWith
     _callbacks = _x select 1;

// ... otherwise we register a new slot for it.
if ((count _callbacks) == 0) then

// ... and finally let's save the callback...
_callbacks set [_actionID, _callback];

// return actionID


  You're not supposed to call/execute this file directly.
  It's used by RUBE_addAction to handle the callback.

  _this select 0: target (object) - the object which the action is assigned to 
  _this select 1: caller (object) - the unit that activated the action 
  _this select 2: action-id (integer) - ID of the activated action 
  _this select 3: arguments


private ["_actionID", "_callbacks", "_n"];

_actionID = _this select 2;

// retrieve objects action callbacks
_callbacks = [];
  if ((_x select 0) == (_this select 0)) exitWith
     _callbacks = _x select 1;

// out of bounds
_n = count _callbacks;
if (_n == 0) exitWith {};
if (_n < _actionID) exitWith {};

// call callback
_this call (_callbacks select _actionID);



   removes actions added with RUBE_addAction (deleting the
   stored action callback)

   _this select 0: from object/unit (object)
   _this select 1: action-id (integer)


private ["_actionID", "_callbacks", "_n"];

_actionID = _this select 1;

// retrieve objects action callbacks
_callbacks = [];
  if ((_x select 0) == (_this select 0)) exitWith
     _callbacks = _x select 1;

// out of bounds
_n = count _callbacks;
if (_n == 0) exitWith {};
if (_n < _actionID) exitWith {};

// trash old callback
(_callbacks) set [_actionID, {}];

// remove action
(_this select 0) removeAction _actionID;

Edited by ruebe

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