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(solved) Operation Bullseye over and over again

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I'm having a frustrating problem with the "Memory" mission "Operation Bullseye".

I finished the main career path missions, and so decided to take on the rest of the contracts and "memory trigger" missions (the military ones). However, I've reached a point in which I only play "Operation Bullseye".

I finish that mission, but the next time I want to play another memory, the same one kicks in again. It's been three times already, and I'm starting to be quite frustrated: It's evident it's not going to go away, and it's not precisely a quick, easy mission :angryfire:.

Each time I play it and end it, I get it again in the mission list, so now I have three "Operation Bullseye" listed :j:.

Is there any way to get this fixed?

Yes, I autorotate to the ground, avoid getting killed, reach the rescue point, get rescued, protest that we don't rescue the captain and find myself back at the heliport. So far, I think I've done all the mission asks me to do.

Thank you very much! :)

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Each time I play it and end it, I get it again in the mission list, so now I have three "Operation Bullseye" listed :j:.

Hi, I'm not quite sure what you mean. Operation Bullseye (and all the missions on south asia) are your brother's memories, so after the mission, it's normal that you are returned to the heliport.

You can replay the mission as much as you want, so it's also natural for it to again appear in the mission list. It's also the final (3/3) of the memory missions.

The gameplay progression system in Take On is much different to Arma, in that you don't have to play it in a linear fashion. There are also the Government and Corporations contracts to play too, which should be available to you and which can be selected from the heliport menu (press escape when in the heliport) or by talking to either Kelly or Carmichael.



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Thank you very much for the swift response!

Ok then, I understand it now... I thought that there were more memories (I had read in some review that you even got to fire some Hydra rockets somewhere) and I kept going to the headset next to the radio to play :).

Thank you again for the explanation!


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I thought that there were more memories (I had read in some review that you even got to fire some Hydra rockets somewhere)


In memory mission 2 (Operation Arrowhead) you get the chance to defend the crash site (with your rockets) - however, the failure conditions are currently quite strict (there is a mission flow where you land, pick up your buddy, and ride home).

Patch 2 is aiming to make this a little easier!

Overall, these missions were meant to help bind the story to the rich (Armaverse) history of Takistan, where the 3 missions in Take On take place before, during, and after the conflict portrayed in Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead.

And since you've reminded me, here's a sneaky behind-the-scenes image from early in development:




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Very cool image. Thanks for posting.

I've never tried landing to pick up my buddy. Would that option only present itself if the CAS task is completed successfully?



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¡Very nice! It's certainly a rare glance at product development :).

And it also makes me think of how fun it might be having some extra combat/air support missions taking advantage of our newly acquired piloting skills. Maybe even some chance to jump to a gunner position ;).

Thank you very much for the pic!

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I got this as the first memory mission. I'm also apparently completely unable to complete it

since I cannot in any way, shape or form safely autorotate that damn bird down. I've tried literately 30 times and have blown up or lawn darted every damn time. This is at beginner difficulty as well. Sucks.

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