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Uncompressed Paa file?

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Hello guys

I was wondering if the TexView 2 can create Uncompressed Paa ,because i liked to have one due of texture where is a white text and atm ingame/Buldozer with basic _co file it is blurred (both have everything on max high settings)

It is possible somehow to create that Uncompressed PAA file? that should fix my problem with blurred text

Edited by RobertHammer

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All .paa's have compression of one form or another so 'No', you can't use an uncompressed .paa.

If you post some more information perhaps someone may suggest a reason/solution to your issue.

Information like...

Screen shots of the issue, Scrrenshots of the UV's relating to this area of the image with the text on it, Is this texture a ^2 image size, The method/prcoess you are using to create the .paa version of your .tga. Do the faces that this text is on have an .rvmat specified (If so what are the details). What are your game settings while you're seeing this etc., etc.

Edited by Synide

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Sounds like you're describing mip-maps.

But I agree, a screenshot detailing your problem would help.

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I know the reason why it is blurred , it is because that part uses very small UV place on the 1024x1024 texture so that's why

Anyway i will do new UV there some bigger and problem will be fixed

thx for replies

Edited by RobertHammer

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