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Fwatch General Scripting

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Is it possible to:
- find value of currently "scrolled" action in action box

- set "scroll" on certain action

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Would it be possible to to change range of addAction value? In a way similar to how "mem bullets" works. Such an option would be very handy, as default 50m is in most cases just to much 😛

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No. Just script it yourself:

_action = -1
_distance = player distance unit
? _action==-1 && _distance<5 : _action=unit addAction ["Example",""]
? _action>=0 && _distance>5 : unit removeAction _action; _action=-1
goto "Loop"


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Yeah, but this way action is not possible to execute via radio

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_distance = crates distance unit




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Well... yeah, but that is not what I ment 😛

1. If script is player-centered ((_unit distance player)<5) then action won't be shown in radio menu while _unit is further than 5 meters from player (obvious as script prevents that by removing action) - which renders adding eg. RTO action this way useless as they should be shown if units are nearby or via radio menu.


2. If there is no script and actions are given with stardard range action menu looks like craigslist in case of few units standing near one another (_unit would be able to trigger its actions and action of _unit2 and all those actions are shown in menu).

That's why I asked if fwatch would (somewhere in future, or somehow now) give the ability to resctict default action range to resonable 5 meters 😛

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