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Cable boys and indians

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I helped do an install in this indian's (I.E. from india) house and I never understood a word they said the entire time. they kept pointing at my feet and yelling now and then, they were all barefoot and I guess maby they wanted me to remove my footware in their house or something, but when I enter YOUR house it becomes MY work enviroment and in my work envirment I wear steel toe boots.. if they have a problem they can install their own damn cable, period.

I would be worried of them calling my boss and complaining but I dont think he speaks Indian.. hehe

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no when u go to a house  you are then obliged to be curteous and polite to the customer  after all  if there is no customers   u have no job

and im not sure on indian religion but i see them taking their shoes off before going into lots of buildings so this could be a religous thing that u have just ignored.

I ask people to remove their shoes before they come into my house i spent a fortune on wooden floor and dont want no isdn engineers or electricity engineers ruining it with their boots and ive yet to have a complaint about it and if they dont, im damn sure im on the phone to customer services for that company complaining about the engineer that called.

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Wobble, you are one s.o.b. mad.gif

just becuase you are working for them doesn't mean that their place is your work place. you are one insensitive s.o.b. mad.gif

again, you need to learn some cultural sensitivity.

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I once had this cable guy come into my house in the spring to put in some new wires, and this guy dragged in all this mud on my carpets, and left if like it.  I asked him to at least wipe his feet on the door mat outside, but he kept coming into the house with these muddy boots.  I remember when he asked me for a glass of water and I almost spat in it.

Other working people, electricians or plumbers etc... when they would come into my house in the winter or wet weather, they'd have goloshes (SP?) that they would slip off when they came into the house.  I don't mind that, there wasn't mud all over my carpets and they kept they're steel toe boots on.

-=Die Alive=-

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Everytime I read one of your posts Wobble, I think you're an even bigger asshole.

My current mental image of you is some dirty redneck driving around barking at everybody who doesn't fit perfectly into his narrow universe.

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I agree with everyone in this thread except Wobble wink.gif

Dude, when working in someone elses house you have to respect THEIR rules. Sure, if company rules / state laws dictate that you wear protective clothing then you should do it. I see no need to wear boots when installing broadband however...

They should have shot you for trespassing. After all, they could have been telling you to "take of your shoes or get the hell out" and if you didnt get out, wouldnt that mean you were trespassing?

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Well Wobble, since they were Indian, they were probably Hindu. About 80% of the people in India are Hindu, and in the Hindu relgion, the cow is sacred. Your leather boots probably offended them.

Instead of having an 'I'm #1' attitude, be a little more respectful towards other people and their cultures.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My current mental image of you is some dirty redneck driving around barking at everybody who doesn't fit perfectly into his narrow universe.<span id='postcolor'>

LOL, I just got a mental image.



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LOL! Assault, that was a good one! Maybe we're all misunderestimating Wobble and he's just a plain old joe wink.gif

You'd think he'd have learned not to post rants like this after the fallout from the last one biggrin.gif

Wobble, my suggestion is that you get yourself a haeavy bag and take your frustrations out on it rather than posting here and getting flamed to a crisp smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Assault (CAN) @ June 05 2002,23:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">LOL, I just got a mental image.

pic02.jpg<span id='postcolor'>

Haha! My mental image has just been updated tounge.gif

Fuck man, if someone waded into my house without respecting the rules, I'd kick his ass. Even if I called for him to install my broadband.

I think Mr.Wobble is in the wrong business. Clients are paying your wages man. If you can't respect them, maybe a mine or steelwork is a better place to work biggrin.gif

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well ya goobers (edited), lets see how courteous you are when you drop a TV on your unprotected toe, then get fired for violating company protocol (steel toes boots at all work sites)

like I said, if they want me to take my shoes off, do it themselves. Its against policy and their little quirk is not worth me losing my job..

I guess if im climbing a pole in someones back yard and they tell me not to use my safty strap I should to that to.. to be nice...

people.. MANY people have no appreciation for all the FUCKING BULLSHIT repair/install..etc etc service men have to put up with from ingrateful sons of bitches, sure its our job and we get paid but that doesent mean that just because they pay a bill once a month they can treat me like a door mat or ask me to do outlandish things ("can you move this refrigerator across the kitchen for me?" no shit. I was asked that)

all these pathetic little people who hook up your cable, and fix it when YOU (usually) fuck it up are people just like you.. and sure its your house, and you should be nice to guests..

Ive aready flat out walked out in 4 people for being rude, just dropped all the crap in the middle of their floor and told them to do it theirself because putting up with abusive language and bullshit is not in my job description.  And there isnt a damn thing anyone can do about it, we are told to do so, rude customers=do it themselves and managment (me and up) will support the decision of an installer/tech, no qustions asked..

just because someone is in your house doesent mean you own them, they are there doing service FOR YOU, just trying to make money to support kids, house, car, crack habit.. whatever, and chances are their job is hard enough without having to deal with some loudmouth cocksucker pissing and moaning at them because they arnt going fast enough and they are missing Judge Judy.. FUCK JUDGE JUDY YOUR HONOR!

as for my case.. steel toe boots=company policy.. no excpetions, religious or not.. period.. and a grasp  of english or at least spanish is most helpful in south texas, but yer right I suppose its my fault I dont speek indian.. poor people, how rude of me..

I hope they forget to pay their bill biggrin.gif  tounge.gif

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About 80% of the people in India are Hindu, and in the Hindu relgion, the cow is sacred. Your leather boots probably offended them.

wow, that very well may have been it.

I guess I should spend my next 3 checks on some $2400 kevlar boots so as not to offend, so what if my car gets re-poed, as longs at im not bothering any customers.. LOL

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Why don't you complain to someone who cares? Seriously... I once worked with a guy who went on and on about how he disliked our boss, but only when the boss wasn't there. It's fucking tiring to hear people bitch and moan about things they should be talking to someone else about, namely the person in question.

In the end I told him to either shut up, talk to the boss or quit his job. Then he found another person who had nothing to do with the problem and loaded all his crap onto his new victim, like me before. mad.gif

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Hell, ill give yall some hints about Cable TV service calls, so you dont get called an asshole behind your back

1: do not schedula a install for AM unless its necessary, AM installs are a crunch and make the job more difficult because we have to rush everything.. all day or PM is much better..

2: tell us where you want the calb eoutlet AND SHUT UP, we know you have some grand scheme on how we should do our job, and we will nod and agree and all that but 99% of the time we are just waiting for you to shut p so we can do our job.. if your so damn smart why did you hire us for the install in the first place?

3: dont watch us... I know that sounds dumb but its irritating to work with someone starting at you, just go sit down and chill.. we wont steal anything.. usually wink.gif

4: we dont care about your dog, or cat or other odd family stories, if you dog bites.. tell us. but dont go into why you named it and what color its shit is.

5: CLEAN YOUR HOUSE! good god if you could only see the filth some people leave, I had to literall run out of a house to avoid puking, because the WEEK before their dog had puppies and they never cleaned up the "birthing area" and its was truily horrid smelling.

6: dont ask dumb questions like "what kinda tool do you use to take those traps off?" we could tell you but we would have to kill you.

7: dont steal cable, seriousley, we may not take any legal action but every installer that comes after you are caught will take a very very long time to do everything and we will make sure your reception is snowy, and we'll do it at the pole so you cant fix it, and if you call to get it fixed nobody will because managment knows your a thief too and we all hate you.

8:dont try to pay us off to "hook you up" for free, sure well take the money and give you hbo.. but the next day the same guy will come right back and take it away, and there is nothing you can do about it because you shouldent have it anyway, and you cant tell on us either beacause its your word against ours.

9:OFFER US DRINKS! good god you cannot imagine how greatful we are for a cold coke or ANYTHING other than what we carry.

10: dont lie about your dog, if it botes, tell us and lock it up, unless you want the shit kicked out of it.

Ill think of more as I experence new and more annoying things

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ June 06 2002,00:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why don't you complain to someone who cares? Seriously... I once worked with a guy who went on and on about how he disliked our boss, but only when the boss wasn't there. It's fucking tiring to hear people bitch and moan about things they should be talking to someone else about, namely the person in question.

In the end I told him to either shut up, talk to the boss or quit his job. Then he found another person who had nothing to do with the problem and loaded all his crap onto his new victim, like me before.  mad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

if you dont care then dont read it, this forum is full of rants, and people bitching about everything under the rainbow. and for 8 hours a day I earn my rant

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You call them to come put cable in or come fix it,they say 9am-6pm,soo you stay home all day waiting for them.NExt thing you knoow they never show up.then you have to call them to tell them they never came,but wait you have to be on hold for an hour.Yeah thanks,i think you should be the last person bitching though.


you ever seen the cable guy ? smile.gif

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Ok - maybe one is supposed to be sensitive at all times, which is practically impossible. I'd say that the respect should be reciprocal. Maybe you at the time should have considered to take off your boots, but then again, the customers should also respect that you are wearing protective boots at work.

One can hardly blame people for not knowing about other people's moral/ethic "rules". I suppose there are quite a few in this forum that would'nt think twice about preparing food with their left hand - and then serve an arab?

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I agree entirely with Wobble on this one!

just kidding smile.gif did you really believe that?

Wobble - as a service provider it is part of your job to adapt to the customer. They are the ones that have rights since your company is taking their money.

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They are the ones that have rights since your company is taking their money

we are notht eir slaves, and their rights mean absolutly DOG SHIT to company policy and regs. we have guidelines, the customer IS NOT always right and if they act like and asshole they will get it back, plain and simple... sure we take their money, but they watch our cable and service calls ARE FREE so they arnt paying any more for them (unless its to add an outlet or run some shit) so WE are the ones who should get respect, its not costing them an extra dime to have us come fix some fuckup of theirs and we DAMN SURE are not gonna put up with rude, abusive bullshit, their shit can just stay broke till they can control themselves..

think people that installed cable should be the last people bitching.You call them to come put cable in or come fix it,they say 9am-6pm,soo you stay home all day waiting for them.NExt thing you knoow they never show up.then you have to call them to tell them they never came,but wait you have to be on hold for an hour.Yeah thanks,i think you should be the last person bitching though

You call them to come put cable in or come fix it,they say 9am-6pm

unless you ask for a specific time, your "problem" will be addressed at any time, if you dont ask for a specific time, then shut the fuck up, we arnt telepathic.

most all jobs are VERY VERY planned and scheduled, almost everyday we get some asswad requesting "I need it before lunch but after 11" and of course we have to alter our entire schedule so we can accomidate this guy..

sure if you REALLY need it turned on at a certin time.. fine, but dont request a precise am call just for the hell of it.

my favs are the ones that request somethinbg stupid like that and then are not home, so we leave a door tag and the fucking asshole calls back at 4:45 (we get off at 5) and we have to piddle our asses back over there AGAIN because this dumb piece of shit cant even keep HIS OWN schedule/.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One can hardly blame people for not knowing about other people's moral/ethic "rules". I suppose there are quite a few in this forum that would'nt think twice about preparing food with their left hand - and then serve an arab?<span id='postcolor'>

Not just arabs... most anyone in africa and likely asia as well.

A friend of mine spent almost a month in africa and is left handed. smile.gif

He quickly learned all about the dung hand and because he's smart enough to not want to be a pariah, learned to do nearly everything with his right hand .

Being in a custoemr service job, I can sympathise with Wobble. But it's a fine line between being annoyed by a customer, and being annoyed by a customer solely because they dont speak the same language as you.

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I wasnt annoyed about the language, it certinley didnt make things better, but what bother mes is that they followed me around like I was a fucking criminal, I was ready to strangle them by the time I left.

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I don't think there is much principle behind his statements. Wobble is just being Wobble-oriented. If he wasn't working for a cable company and a cable guy, say, started moving around his furniture to access the outlet, he would post a "I hate cable guys"-thread. A conservative republican like himself would normally say that your home is castle, and yours to command as you wish.

Wobble is just being Wobble. When a dog pisses on a lamp post, he is not comitting vandalism. He is just being a dog. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wobble the apologiser<span id='postcolor'>

LOL, I just noticed that under your avatar, how apropriate.  biggrin.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">as for my case.. steel toe boots=company policy.. no excpetions, religious or not.. period<span id='postcolor'>

Why didn't you say that in the first place?  smile.gif

Wobble, 99.9999% of the people on this planet don't know what it's like to be a cable guy. You can't expect them to know how you work, and what you put up with, and what you do or don't like. Working with the public can be a bitch, I know. If you hate your job so much, just quit your job and stop telling us how to treat the cable guy properly.  wink.gif

If you think you have it bad, try being a police officer. Wobble, remember, not everyone on this planet is like Wobble.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">A conservative republican like himself would normally say that your home is castle, and yours to command as you wish.<span id='postcolor'>

Hmmm. I fail to see how this line of thought applies just to conservatives only. When you buy a house, you own it, right?


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Dude, I would go from being a cop to a murderer quick... LOL

its just that some.. MANY people seem to think that just because you are working *for them* that they can treat you however they want.. which could be farther from the truith..

I couldent count how many homes ive come to that on the pole someone has put some saran wrap around the cable's stinger (this is how we give you snowy reception LOL), because the customer was a thief..

this is much.. A WHOLE LOT that goes on behind the scenes.

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unless you ask for a specific time, your "problem" will be addressed at any time, if you dont ask for a specific time, then shut the fuck up, we arnt telepathic.

I disagree,when you ask for one they do give you one ,but also they say it would be that time to 4pm sometime.AM most of the time come on the dot,later in the day they make up some excuse a pity story about how they had to install cable around this guy house and that why they are late.

Also if you don't know someone of course your going follow him around your house,Would you let someone off the street walk around your house without watching him ?

If those people were piss about your shoes oh well,that's their problem.   smile.gif

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