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MCC Sandbox - The Mod

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I'm sorry but I don't understand (English is not my native language).

By "locality" do you mean local host/server problems (performance, lags, etc.) or localization problems (mPos, getPos, etc. = bugs in codes) or both?

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THX for the great Mod!

I have a problem with the equipment of the players. After every respawn, all weapons are gone or you get the standard weapons from the first join. But not the equipment that you have chosen for youreself. Is there a way to store the equipment for the players?

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........ when I create SF HALO start zone my friends are spawned with me into C-130 but most of situations they are instantly being killed. No matter if I use mod or mission version.


Does SF paradrop function work for you?

Last week we did some muliplayer HALO training with 10 players using MCC Mod, and it worked fine for us.

Though keep the following in mind, else it may fail:

- players should stand still and not run around when Mission Maker starts SF drop (on main tab)

- each SF group starts in their own C130: once we noticed the SF1 team C130 was merged with SF2 team C130 and we had to crawl to the back door

- due to ACE paraj ump feature, you should not pull the cord when diving with high speed. Before opening the chute be sure to be in horizontal position allowing to reduce vertical speed. If not you will get killed immediately when opening the chute

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V5 is released get your copy from the front page link.

MCC mod v.5 change log:

- Fixed Bon artillery wasn't working. You'll need either Laserdesignator or Vector21 to acess it.

- Added Gun Run short and long again (thanks to Ollem) will only work on AH1, AH64, A-10 might won't work depends on the AI approch.

- Added Recruitable preset on 3D editor. You can recruit units that had that preset.

- Fixed config.cpp so it won't colide with other mods.

BTW Ollem since i'm not able to test it on and remote dedicated server can you test the paradrop and HALO insertions from menu 4?

Another BTW and kind of off topic, i'm looking for a nice, mature and tactical group that is using MCC for gaming and ofcoure testing.

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Thanks for update, but I got an error in .rpt file "Error loading control bin\config.bin/ExtrasDialog3/playersManagment/";

And I can't spawn any units in 3D Editor.

Edited by Lao Fei Mao

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Thanks for the update shay_gman. Really liking the mod version so far. I have a few questions!

1. Is it possible to change the rounds of guns and mortars placed with the 3d editor? I've tried changing the classname of the round from "Sh_85_HE" to "Sh_85_ILLUM" and "Sh_81_ILLUM" in the init field, also tried WP. The mortars/guns are still firing and I can hear HE rounds sound FX but they don't actually impact. So I guess the rounds have to actually be defined in the script that the Artillery Support option calls in the 3d editor? If so would you consider adding an option for different types of rounds to be used by the script later on? I understand if it's to much of a PITA not to mention it would add alot of clutter to the drop-down menu if you had to add a new entry for each type of round.

2. Is High Command suppose to work in the mission editor/sp? If so I can only get it to work in MP for some reason.

3. This might have been mentioned in the manual but I can't seem to find anything about it: Is there a way to add a 3d editor placed unit/group to a Zone? i.e I made a group of units using "[this] join soldier1;" and now want to have them integrated into a zone.

Well thanks for this mod and congrats on the new version really happy to see gun-run's are back!:D Keep up the good work Shay.

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Last week we did some muliplayer HALO training with 10 players using MCC Mod, and it worked fine for us.

Though keep the following in mind, else it may fail:

- players should stand still and not run around when Mission Maker starts SF drop (on main tab)

- each SF group starts in their own C130: once we noticed the SF1 team C130 was merged with SF2 team C130 and we had to crawl to the back door

It gives me hope. I will tell it to my folks.

One more question: have you tested HALO jumps on dedicated servers or local hosted games?

Another BTW and kind of off topic, i'm looking for a nice, mature and tactical group that is using MCC for gaming and ofcoure testing.

We're going to use and test it but we don't use English when playing. But I will inform you about new problems/errors/issues.

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One more question: have you tested HALO jumps on dedicated servers or local hosted games?

Dedicated Linux ArmA CO server running 1.60 Beta (1.60.89986).

worked for me running a local hosted windows server too.

I will try to have a look at the tab4 HALO jump somewhere in the next days

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I found a bug I had mentioned before but now it is moved ;)

mcc_make_the_marker.sqf, line 29 looks like this:

script_handler = [0] execVM '\mcc_sandbox_mod\mcc_sandbox_mod\mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf';

but should look like this:

script_handler = [0] execVM '\mcc_sandbox_mod\mcc\general_scripts\mcc_make_the_marker.sqf';


Unfortunatelly it doesn't work for us. It works for me but other multi players are still getting killed on spawn into C-130 (SF-HALO from the main tab). Can you send me (PM) the code of your checked mission?

Edited by sunrrrise

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@sunrise I knew I forgot to fix something. Sorry i'll fix it next time.

BTW about the HALO until I can't reproduce it I can't fix it for me it is working on local MP, Dedicated windows MP, and host MP without issues (most of the time - still AI flying). I'm using CBA, ACE from Six Updater, or just the vanila

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An ideas why i can't use CAS online? it works fine in the editor but not on our server :S we've updated and removed all existing versions, anything else that could be doing it?

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Are you using ArmA CO on the server? is the mod runing on the server as well?

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put the mod on the server - put it in the activation line of the server - can see it in the server mods line before I join - but cannot access the sandbox in game. Does it have to be activated client side as well? I thought it was a server side only mod. When I put the key in the server (our server is signatures on) and then activate it client side I get the 'unsigned mod' error and am kicked. Do I have to add the module to missions to access it?

Edited by 7th_Serf

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Are you using ArmA CO on the server? is the mod runing on the server as well?

Yea, Arty, 3d editor, convoy, zones all that works but CAS and air drops (stuff reliant on aircraft) doesn't seem to work :S

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I had the problem with air drops but it seems to be depend on wind heading (and strength) and ground obstacles. Try to figure out the best approaching course before calling the air drop.

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Did some basic testing using a locally hosted server + a 2nd Arma2 client, running Arma2OA latest beta + latest ACE + some other mods:

- I encountered the SF-sudden-death issue too: but this was only because one of my pc's was running an old mcc-mod verion by accident. After both pc's were running same MCC-mod version (5), it worked fine. So please double check both server and all connecting arma2 clients use the same/latest version of mcc-mod (latest mod doesn't show version anymore, but should have gun-run option on 2nd tab)

- I have not been able to get the 'Tab4-paradrop' to work: for both regular and SF paradrop the C130 is just flying around, but nobody gets ejected (untill in the end the plane is deleted :-) ) For HALO I have the impression the plane isn't even moving to the dropzone

- CAS does work for me in latest mcc-mod: at least for bombing run and gun-run. The gun-run doesn't always work for 'gun-run short': this seems to be dependent on the approach. 'Gun-run long' should usually work in the return approach. Tested for both A-10 and Cobra

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Hey There, i've encountered a terrible error at the MCC that makes it unplayable.

1. I've encountered several times that the MCC Duplicate the actions i do, ex. Press Spawn Infantry Squad Once, it sends the command twice and spawns two infantry squads.

2. MCC Wont load saved missions - i've built a mission for an hour and a half to play later on, saved pasted it in a text document and got out of the game, when i came to load the Mission it loaded me the Starting point, the 4 Vehicles i've put at the start, one Marker i've put after the vehicles and thats it - it did not load the other markers, did not load the zones, the Infantry squads, the bases, the ammo Boxes, other vehicles.

all those hours basically went to trash, is there any fix going out soon for that?

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Same for me RamBoRaideR. After some time or first respawn all spawned units are doubled, many errors appear and my unit's cannot repawn, they just die instantly.

I even unpacked MCC scripts and tried to rip out the most important tools for me: box generator and the 3d editor... but I failed, too complicated stuff for me when it comes to interface programming. I wish there was some way Shay makes a separate addon or script to use these two very awesome features without the whole MCC.

Well, I couldn't find a way to solve these issues. I know I must have posted the issues here so that Shay could fix it, but I decided to move to other ways of creating dynamic missions. I searched for other frameworks and different realtime edotors or sandbox engines... No success. Guyz from ACE advised me to use a debug console. So I modified the developers debug console so that it's always available but only to my UID and wrote needed snippet scripts for it in a simple text file. I've made snippets like: by a mapclick spawn certain vehicles, spawn a medical facility, spawn needed ammo boxes, teleport any units somewhere, spawn enemy groups or single enemies, spawn arty or smoke under cursor, equip a unit with a ruck and fill a ruck with needed gear and writing new ones all the time. It involves some script knowledge and done by copypasting snippets to console. It's not as user friendly way as MCC was with its admin GUI but it works and I'm satisfied.

May be, if youre interested I could somehow release it and share the snippets. But I think we'd better switch to PM and not offtop here.

Edited by zvukoper

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is there any way to change the skills of the individual sides, like make the blufor more skilled than the opfor? because in the mission settings you can only change the AI skills altogether i do believe

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@RamBoRaideR, zvukoper

Same hare, MCC can double actions or not saving some actions at all.

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