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Sorry my english isn`t very well. I play the STEAM version of this game with mouse and keyboard. So my question is, how can i slow down the speed of the helicopter so i don´t move in the air?

This is important for landing, so i must only go down when i can slow the speed against zero.

I use the standard keyboard and mouse controlls. Please help me.

Thank you very much!

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The built-in tutorials are an excellent first step for new pilots.

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The easiest way of landing is described on manual page 21. Basicaly you can use "autohover" action from action menu (helicopter will pitch up to reduce forward speed and gain also some altitude) and lower altitude with "Z" key (collective).

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The easiest way of landing is described on manual page 21. Basicaly you can use "autohover" action from action menu (helicopter will pitch up to reduce forward speed and gain also some altitude) and lower altitude with "Z" key (collective).

Is there somewhere I can download the manual? I'd like to read it at work

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Thanks! A few more things:

Is there an indicator that shows when trim is enabled/disabled?

When I turn off trim then turn it back on, does this reset the trim settings, or do they go back to where they were when I disabled it? If not, is there a way to clear trim settings?

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Is there an indicator that shows when trim is enabled/disabled?

No, there is no such indicator.

Manual trim sets actual axes offset from center (cyclic and rudder). After pressing this key, there is small time, when you shall return your stick to center position otherwise you will sense "doubled" offset. If it is used more times it still adds new offset to the previous setting.

Another 6 keys can be found in controls that can be mapped for incremental change of each separate axis (pitch, bank and yaw).

Last key - Manual trim reset will resume center of your hardware controller. If you use autohover helper, I recomend to reset trim prior to engaging autohover. Than you can still compenate crosswind by new manual trim while "autohovering".

Edited by Armored_Sheep

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