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Weapon Proxy Issue

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I know theres a thread but this just seems like a very odd issue ive never come across before. In essence what happens is that the gunner if human controlled with also a human pilot when firing off bombs seems to fly like missles???

First i thought it could be a config proxy issue as this has never happened before yet everything in the config proxy looks fine. eg heres a small example

class CfgNonAIVehicles {
/*extern*/ class ProxyWeapon;

class Proxyanzac_AIM9M: ProxyWeapon {
	model = "\anzac_wep\anzac_aim9m.p3d";
	simulation = "maverickweapon";

class Proxyanzac_AIM120: ProxyWeapon {
	model = "\anzac_wep\anzac_aim120.p3d";
	simulation = "maverickweapon";

class Proxyanzac_AIM7: ProxyWeapon {
	model = "\anzac_wep\anzac_aim7m.p3d.p3d";
	simulation = "maverickweapon";

class Proxyanzac_f111_fuel_bo: ProxyWeapon {
	model = "\anzac_wep\anzac_f111_fuel.p3d";
	simulation = "maverickweapon";

class Proxyanzac_AGM84: ProxyWeapon {
	model = "\anzac_wep\anzac_agm84.p3d";
	simulation = "maverickweapon";

class Proxyanzac_AGM154: ProxyWeapon {
	model = "\anzac_wep\anzac_jsow.p3d";
	simulation = "maverickweapon";

class Proxyanzac_GBU12: ProxyWeapon {
	model = "\ca\air\gbu12_proxy.p3d";
	simulation = "maverickweapon";

Or perhaps it could actually be an issue with the aircraft gunner code, Or even the weapon code itself?? Any ideas?

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From my limited knowledge on this matter i would say that that config only affecs the way that the weapons are displayed on the vehicle, and your real problem its the behaviour after launch. So your problem maybe its:

1- On CfgMagazines config be sure that the bombs have or inherits from a class that have:

 initspeed = 0;

2- On CfgAmmo :

thrust = 0;
thrusttime = 0;

But its weird that it worked before and it suddenly break if you haven't changed anything on those configs :S

Edited by columdrum

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All of those were applied long ago to the cfg mag and cfg ammo, this issue is confusing/odd to say the least.

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You might test if this also happens when using weapons/magazines from the GLT Missilebox. If the problem is gone then, i can share the config with you, maybe helping tracking down the issue.

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you need to remove the trust and change back to a bomb core for you ammo.

If thurst=0 the engine will pick up the velocity of the vehicle and throw the ammo instead of dropping it.

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