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hey guyz

Cud someone show me a script dat brings the soldiers 2 cheer? thx :bounce3:

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If I understand correctly, what is needed...

for example simple stopgap; "cheer.sqs":

_soldier = _this select 0
_soldier setmimic "smile"
_first = 0
_i = random 100
? (_i > 50) : goto "start"
goto "waiting1"
_rnd0 = random 100
_rnd1 = round (random 28) + 1
_rnd2 = round (random 5) + 1

? (_rnd0 > 50) and (_first == 0) : _soldier switchmove ("c7a_bravoTOerc_idle" + str _rnd1); _first = 1
? (_rnd0 <= 50) and (_first == 0) : _soldier switchmove ("c7a_bravoTOerc_idle" + str _rnd2); _first = 1
? (_rnd0 > 50) : _soldier playmove ("c7a_bravoTOerc_idle" + str _rnd1)
? (_rnd0 <= 50) : _soldier playmove ("c7a_bravoTOerc_idle" + str _rnd2)
_i = random 100
? (_i > 75) : goto "start"
goto "waiting2"

And init field of every unit, which has to cheer: [this] exec "cheer.sqs"

other moves here:


As for the shouting, you can add to the script some "say3d" commands, perhaps also with randomization:


But it requires sound files in yours mission folder and corresponding entries in file "description.ext" similar to this:

class CfgSounds
sounds[] = {};
 class Yeah
  name = "Yeah";   
  sound[] = {"Yeah.ogg", 1, 1};   
  titles[] = {};
 class Yeah2
  name = "Yeah2";   
  sound[] = {"Yeah2.ogg", 1, 1};   
  titles[] = {};

then add to "cheer.sqs" something like this directly above #waiting2:

_rnd3 = random 100
?  (_rnd3 < 10) : _soldier say3d "Yeah"
? (_rnd3 >= 10) and (_rnd3 < 20) : _soldier say3d "Yeah2"


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yeah, it works, thank you for ya help

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