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Is the Arma III story build around U,s navy seals this time?

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Main character seems to be an SBS dude, which is kinda like a SEAL who speaks proper english :D . So I guess that is close enough.

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Would be kind of cool to give the Seals a shot right?

The story is built around Special Boat Service (British version of the SEALS I guess) CPT Scott Miller. Seems weird though that a lot of the gear in the screens shows the U.S. flag, not to mention the uniform camouflage is Multicam, not Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP, British version of Multicam). I'd think that being British, he and his men would wear MTP and have a British flag on their helmets instead of an American flag. Seems like a cheap way to appease either British or Americans by trying to do both.

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Don´t care as long they look super hi-speed and tacticool enough. :w:


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Well it's NATO, and World War III, so it's a safe bet that the SEALs and the SBS are working together on whatever the mission on Limnos is.

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The story is built around Special Boat Service (British version of the SEALS I guess) CPT Scott Miller. Seems weird though that a lot of the gear in the screens shows the U.S. flag, not to mention the uniform camouflage is Multicam, not Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP, British version of Multicam). I'd think that being British, he and his men would wear MTP and have a British flag on their helmets instead of an American flag. Seems like a cheap way to appease either British or Americans by trying to do both.

He could be the sole surviving SBS operative in the whole world for all we know at this point. All his allies may well be US. We'll have to wait and see.

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Rumors said that a new breed of fastmovers will be A3 - working title "BIS SF". They can all the tacticool things you can imagine incl. StealthDoubleActionHeadshots. Unlocking them is not possible until you bought the 5th SuperElite DLC. ;)

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the SF thing looks cool, maybe if they did a future DLC a different campaign where it focuses on infantry would be cool, maybe to focus more on overall battles, rather than focusing on individual AI team members, which puts some strain under arma's engine IMO because it makes little things more important like personalities and their survival instincts.

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It could be a multinational team similar to Rainbow 6 named Rainbow... 7.

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It could be a multinational team similar to Rainbow 6 named Double Rainbow... 7.

Fixed that for you. :cool:

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I think Millers screenshot gear is just a current representation of the current models that BI have finished. If you look at almost every screenshot of A3 with Bluefor in it, all of the special ops soldiers are wearing identicle gear. Sure they carry a tiny variation of weapons, but their combat dress, vest, helmets and everything else is identicle. I'm sure that factions will have appropriate gear when the game is further down the pipe.

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Well I sure hope there will be different kinds of vests, depending on what kind of gear a unit is supposed to carry. Like i.e. the lower part of inventory (6 slots) be unique to what goes there: Regular magazines or big magazines i.e., to reflect different kinds of vests (infantryman vs saw gunner). Or that i.e. a grenadier got additional slots for grenade ammo, at the cost of loosing two magazine slots. Anyone could carry additional MG or AT ammo, but only using the upper "generic" slots.

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remember, gentlemen !

As for your Arma 3 game case,


Warranty void if seal is broken :cool:

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The story is built around Special Boat Service (British version of the SEALS I guess) CPT Scott Miller. Seems weird though that a lot of the gear in the screens shows the U.S. flag, not to mention the uniform camouflage is Multicam, not Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP, British version of Multicam). I'd think that being British, he and his men would wear MTP and have a British flag on their helmets instead of an American flag. Seems like a cheap way to appease either British or Americans by trying to do both.

You have that wrong there, the SBS came first the Americans copied the idea of the SBS and created the Seals. Maybe hes part of a joint task force? or maybe its just a NATO force?

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You have that wrong there, the SBS came first the Americans copied the idea of the SBS and created the Seals. Maybe hes part of a joint task force? or maybe its just a NATO force?

He was part of the SBS before he got transfered to the Combat Technology Research Group a.k.a. CTRG

Edited by Maio

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i don't think we should be focusing on realism here. i mean, just look at the iranians.

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