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A.I can really impress..

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Hello folks,

I need some help over here.. So, I am trying to identify player with the AI.. I mean, that I want to make player able to to things like AI does.. Right now, I know how to: reply the 'engage' order, make player say 'group, go to ...', stand like the AI (I mean, to hold weapon aimed on the ground, but stay up straight.), and execute animations while in vehicle / tank / chopper / jet.

But. I can not figure out, how does AI saying the following orders:

"(number), Engage (target)", "Clear/Contact", "(number) SUPPORT (target) (direction)", "(number) Position (position X/Y converted into numbers (Aa - Jj | 00 -99)".

I think, that in the OFP (A:CWC) directory there must be somewhere file, where are defined the above mentioned commands. But where? I was trying to do something with RESOURCE.BIN file, but the only possibility there was to add ('Engaging') response avaiable for player. There are definitions, like: "#define cmd_engage 21". In this case, it defines the expression "cmd_engage" to number "21". But this "21" must mean something, and somewhere it must be also defined (cuz if i change 21 to e.g. 666 (ave ^^) it won't work).

So, if anybody knows, where's the general AI script for OFP:Res / A:CWC, please let me know. I'll be thankful :)

With regards,


BTW. If this post's in wrong section, please move this to right place.

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