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[Solved] I don't have my CD key...

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So I have Arma 2 on Steam, and Operation Arrowhead on disk. I lost my manual for Operation Arrowhead and cannot install it on my new computer. My new computer is at a different residence than my other house. I read on here, that you need to copy the registry information from my other computer to the computer you want to install the game on. The CD key I am looking for is for my Operation Arrowhead game.

I did that, however when i attempt to install the game it prompts me for a CD key. Which I cannot find. I have already added the registry information on my new computer.

How do I get past the "CD key" prompt or how do I extract the CD key from my registry?

I contacted the publisher of my CD 2 weeks ago and they never responded back.

edit: My publisher, who I have contacted twice but no response from them, is Meridian4.... Does this company not respond to their emails?

Another edit: I just tried to update the came to 1.59 and it gave me "wrong CD key" error after the update, and then closed out... Even though it did not ask me for the key. Before that, I updated the registry with the info from my other computer.... Meridian4 should just respond to their 2 week old emails.

Edited by BittleRyan

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Well, it is quite simple: you had the key, you lost the key, you have to buy another copy of OA.

The Publisher can't help you there as they sent all they had to send. It is your very own responsibility to look after your stuff. So pay the price and learn your lesson for the next time.

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