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Hey guys,

I wan't to make the gunfights last longer, so I was thinking of changing the accuracy. Problem is today I started to learn about this stuff.

class Soldier:Man




Is this correct, because I don't see any changes :(?

If I want to change the accuracy for everything do I have do it class by class, or is there an ALL command?

Can you tell me a site for all commands like: accuracy, sensitvityear, etc and what do they do exactly?

Thanks :)

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Edited by LtDiego
I found the answer

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I am experimenting with the same thing and have managed to get some cool close up running battles.

What you are looking for is dispersion values. Search dispersion in your config.cpp

They come in 3 types:




Dispersion effects how accurate the weapons themselves are. It is a value from 0-1. 0 is most accurate and 1 is all over the place (try it for fun!)

Eg. I set my M16/AK47/sniper dispersion values to 50 times their original, the PK/M60 values to 20 times their original and the HK/M4 to 10 times their original values.

The aiDispersionCoefX/Y values control how well the ai soldiers themselves aim. So even with a very accurate gun the ai will still miss a bit. These values can be over 1. I think they are multipliers. Eg. a dispersion=0.001 and an aiDispersionCoefX=3 gives 0.001x3=0.003 total dispersion. The X is probably horizontal dispersion and Y the vertical.

Hope this helps

NB It is best to first change the dispersion values for the guns until the accuracy of the weapons feels right to you the player during gameplay. Once you have that sorted the AI will be very inaccurate so lastly change the aiDispersion values until the gunfights 'feel' right during gameplay (I halved my aiDispersion values).

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ohh, thanks :D

Comment edited for another problem:

I can't make units say anything. So I recorded my voice welcome.wav, converted to .ogg. Made a sound folder in a mission folder, I moved it there. On missions folder I mate description.ext, with these lines:

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {welcome};

class welcome


name = "welcome";

sound[] = {"welcome.ogg", db60, 1.0};

titles[] = {};



When I use command playSound "welcome", I hear it no problem, but with say command doesn't work.

Inserted a unit and added this in init: this say "welcome". No errors, but he's lips arent moving and I can't hear anything.

I found the solution, for anyone else who might have this problem: ogg wasn't encoded properly.

Edited by LtDiego

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