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WW2MP landing script?

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I need script that will deploy all units from Jdb Higgins at once,like those in WWII v.3.0.... I tried but i cant figure out what is wrong: they get out of the boat and then they constantly run in one direction. :confused: :confused:

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I need script that will deploy all units from Jdb Higgins at once,like those in WWII v.3.0.... I tried but i cant figure out what is wrong: they get out of the boat and then they constantly run in one direction. :confused: :confused:

I bet it's because ther's no unAssignVehicle command in your script. Then the deployed group will still be attached to the vehicle they get out and try to get in the boat again. If the vehicle is allready crewed it is also recommended to use allowGetIn command.

Here's a script to deploy all cargo crew at once.

;Eject Cargo Script by Nikiller v0.9b
;Eject vehicle cargo crews at once
;Note: Place a game logic named server on the map
;contact: nikillerofp@hotmail.fr
;[vehicleName] exec "scriptName.sqs"

if (local server) then {} else {goto "ende"}

_v = _this select 0

_cr=crew _v
_ca=_cr-[driver _v,gunner _v,commander _v]

{_x action [_ac,_v]} forEach _ca
{unassignVehicle _x} forEach _ca
_ca allowGetIn false



Here's a demo to show how it works.




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