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Pants down...How you calculate the flight model?

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Hi ToH devs,

first I would like to make clear that I dont want to offend anyone. I´m aware that sometimes it isn`t possible to include things you wanted to or is not the target you have in mind. I know that BI is listening to it`s customers and really support them. I´m with since Operation Flashpoint.

I would like to know how the FM is done in ToH? We all know from the CP that FM is really a difference to Arma and thats great. I`m just curious what you are using, if it`s not a corporate secret.

You know X-Plane is using the "Blade element theory".

- So What kind of calculation you are using?

- Does air density, temperatur, height affect that flight model and if yes to which degree? (It´s stated in the FAQ that it will affect the FM, tough its not yet in CP)

-How does it react on different situations? Is it somewhat dynamic or is it scripted or both?

- Will it be moddable as well and do we can add features to it?

If it`s not the time yet to answer, I can understand.

Thanks in advance.:)

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Check the XML the FM (parameters) is defined in:


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Now i have figured out that eliteness/mikero's dll is the combination that work to open the .pbo i can get crunching numbers etc. :)

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Check the XML the FM (parameters) is defined in:


how we supposed to do that?

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Go to that address

double click the XML (or open it with notepad)

look at the variables that can be assigned value and so you'll understand what parameters the system depends on

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Any dev care to answer here pls? I just want to understand how it is done. Which variables are taken into account for calulation? Or is it all in the xml file, not really?

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We'll try to post some more elaborate sneak peak at documentation for the XML soon, but for now I can only say that: the XML contains most of the aerodynamics configuration, the CfgVehicles entry defines things like engine timings, and the model itself contains yet more data like mass, collisions, etc.

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Of course, almost all our efforts right now are being ploughed into finalising the game, but we do know how essential it's going to be to enable people to tweak and modify their own creations, be it missions, models, tweaks to areodynamics, and everything else in between.

We know we can do a lot more with our documentation, guides and tools, and that's something I want to see supported, as our games are (currently and potentially) fantastic platforms for dedicated modders.

While helicopters are hideously beautifully complex things, I also know that the flight sim community are hideously wonderfully dedicated people that deserve our cooperation.



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Ok, thanks guys for youre answers.

You know, the sim community may be (is) extremly picky, though if you get their attention, they will probably not stop to support you(DLCs, Addons ;)).

Edited by EagleEye[GER]

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Maybe not that picky, as soon as things like over vne...torque ..., vortex ring,...failures ... can be solved ingame by doing the real em procedure and that they are induced by what you should'nt have done in rl :rolleyes:

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