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[MSO] Multi Session Operations TvT WIP/Alpha Release

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To understand the scope of this mission you must be familiar with MSO, if not click here and read the user/editor guide.


MSO TvT is a game mode in which human teams compete for complete control over the map with common enemy(s). Each team starts out with similar assets at the northern and southern airfields in Takistan. Each team's goal is to advance and secure city by city while winning the hearts and minds of the local populace.

Depending on which playable factions are enabled players may also take the role of the local civilians which may choose to be neutral or hostile to any force. The civilian faction operates in cells and their spawn as well as assets are completely movable.

AI faction(s) may also be enabled by server administrator. MSO's default modules allow the AI to build camps, form terrorist cells, set IEDs, etc.

Of course, there is a active civilian populace including Police and Medical services, cat traffic, air traffic, etc and may even throw rocks at you if you anger them.


The atmosphere of a MSO TvT environment involves many types of gameplay in which players may assume any role they see fit unlike most missions which focus on specific types of game play (PvP, coop, A&S, etc). The ability of MSO to successfully manage a mission which can be run for weeks at a time brings the ability to have the most realistic warfare available to ArmA without the need for any extensive modifications or any at all (MSO team is working on a Arma2Free version with scripted CBA).

MSO TvT will be released on a open basis unlike other mod(s) which restrict end user rights; with respect to the MSO team.

Other mods

MSO can work out of the box with ACE and a host of other custom islands/mods with little or absolutely no issues. This version is focused to be reliant on CBA only (which may be further modified to use CBA in a script form so no addons would be required) so the end community can have a base to build upon.


In this space I will dump ideas for the gamemode in a unstructured format that will not be included in the initial release and serves more as an inspiration point for alternate/forked versions.

If a diplomacy module is written, player teams may choose to be allies or declare war.

Assets could be manufactured at factories which would require resources generated by certain areas of the map. Think of a factory interface which you can "manufacture" assets at if you have a certain item within so many meters of it.

Factory assets which are high value may be unlocked by bringing blueprints to the factory attained from side missions or random places on the map.

Civilian side can mix in role play elements for a faction which plays much like current role play servers

If ideas are borrowed from Warfare, secured towns may generate revenue to simply purchase assets.

Kelly's Heroes Persistent DB ensures progress would be saved in the event of server crash


MSO TvT is 85% done. The stock MSO code works great with a few exceptions.

  1. JIP Markers
  2. Task Management
  3. AAR
  4. CAS
  6. Recruitment

The above modules work globally meaning for all human players. Creating a new JIP Marker for your hidden vodka stash isn't so great an idea if the US sees your marker on the map. Likewise, creating a task to attack such a vodka stash isn't so great when RU can see the task as well.

JIP Markers

Markers would need to be per side. The idea I have is to create an additional variable in the current code which would contain which side created it while a script tried per side to delete other teams markers on local machines. The script would need to run when the marker is created and per any client that connects. This way markers can be global to serve JIP clients and be local to each team. I may be totally wrong though.


Tasks may follow the same ideas as JIP Markers if they apply.


After Action Reports need to be per side. I have yet to work on it as of yet as JIP Markers are more important for a proof of concept.


CAS needs to try per side to create the correct dialog so RU doesn't call in a Apache. Not that the current system makes the apache attack the RU team when it is spawned but RU using US assets for CAS is silly.


CASEVAC will need to bring RU assets to RU players and US assets to US players while returning to the proper marker name (hospital_US, hospital_RU) so injured RU CASEVAC'd don't try to get medical assistance at the US base and get shot by a blackhawk.


Good news is that Recruitment works per side with my modifications. RU recruits RU, US recruits US, GUE recruits GUE, BAF recruits BAF, etc.


I am requesting help to make these changes starting with JIP Markers because it is currently out of my coding abilities. Good news is that MSO is so modular these changes are simple to make, I just don't have the knowledge off hand to make it work.


Alpha Release (v1)

Below is a Alpha version of MSO TvT built using stock MSO code and borrowing Domination TvT's base layouts with recruitment complete. There is also a guerrilla/civilian faction which demonstrates the ability to operate in cells and move their spawn point. Once the above mentioned critical changes are made MSO TvT will be complete as a base version for the community to build upon. The bases aren't built to standard as this version was focused on code more than mission asset placement.



Efforts have been merged into the official MSO version thanks to the MSO team. You are welcome to play the Alpha release since the post guaranteed a preview but is not respective of future versions. Thanks folks!

Edited by zorrobyte

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Efforts have been merged into the official MSO version thanks to the MSO team. You are welcome to play the Alpha release since the post guaranteed a preview but is not respective of future versions. Thanks folks!

Should I read this as if TvT works on the newest official MSO? Im part of a Russian Side team and we are dying to get MSO working as Opfor side, working together with US against the bad GUE. (Wait whaaat..) No, seriously. :rolleyes:

Edited by MugAben

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might be worth adding the cim module to this 1 for both teams if civs do go on the offensive give a way to handle them arrest search detain them if they have dropped weapons or concealed itemsthanks for the alpha

Edited by SmokeDog3PARA

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