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How involved do you have to be?

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Is it possible to take over and island by sitting in the comfort of the bridge sipping a cup of tea while using the map and directing drones to attack, defend, drop packages etc? Or do you have to take control of vehicles and do a lot of it by hand as you wont be able to do the fancy actions other then in person? Or is it a case of if you have to get a job done properly then you need to do it your self as the AI can be a bit..errm..special?

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The entire game is supposed to be playable all the way through from either perspective on its own. But the idea is to use both to achieve your goals.

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BFCrusader is correct.

You can go through the game(apart from the story missions discussed here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=124391 ) in the map only. On the other hand you are able to go through the game spending most of the time remote controlling the vehicles if that is what you like.

Personally I prefer mix of both - the hand-ons action and the tactical/strategic planing and "way-pointing", because this way I am able to get the best of both "worlds".

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That sounds very intriguing. I'd probably end up mixing it up as well, and it's nice that that's an option. I just hope that's showcased properly. I've played a game with optional playstyles that, for some reason, never showcased the one I liked the most.

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