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Ukrainian Marine Troops & Mechanised Infantry v.2.0 - WIP

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These units are nice ... :bounce3:

Edited by [CSLA]LUKI

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Wy don't you mirror the download link of Ukrainian troops in Armaholic?

Deposit files have no links in english and is painfully long!

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If my memory doesn't cheat me all Ukrainian packs are at Armaholic.

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I wish to know what do you guys think about making now mission with these units against russian (I was able to find an updated link in the Ukrainian site) troops in Chernarus or alternative island.

This beacuse it's difficult to make fictional wars while in the Real Life hundreds of people are potentially risking their lives or living their last days...

What do you think?

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The whole situation itself seems just like a poorly written interpretation of the ArmA storylines. I wouldn't hold back from making whatever creative missions you can think of, but I would NOT release them due to the butthurt they might cause. There is also not many terrains that look like Krimea. Maybe this great Zernovo terrain can pass for inland Ukraine.

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So do you think if I make a mission where Russian troops are involved in clashes with Ukrainian troops, this will receive a negative feedback by the community?

About the compatibility with ArmA2 islands, in my opinion Chernarus is quite perfect, and for what I know, the Crimean landscape was more than a simple inspiration for BI authors...

I would like to know if @TankisT_UA and his staff will release an english version of new Ukrainian troops and marines...

In the original version I found nice quality troops and vehicles, but text is difficult to interpretate for people like me that don't know cyrillic alphabet.

If I will release my wip mission about the Crimean crisis, will try to be as much politically correct as possible.

Difficult task with the current situation I guess, but does worth to take a chance.

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