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25th Infantry Division

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We at 25th Infantry Division, are newer at the ARMA 2 community. We have no ties to any of the other 25thID units, first of. Now we are recruiting mainly for Infantry (2/27th) and also, we have other positions opened in HHC with the Aviation and Cavalry Detachments. We are recruiting for mature 18+ and older to fill out ranks. We are not a younger group as to most, we are older group of guys. Also, will are setup as a Milsim unit, that uses the US ARMY rank structure, Code of Conduct and Values. We are striving to give the realism feel without being so tough and strict that it takes the fun out of the game, and all we ask is that you participate and bring a good attitude.

What we have to offer:

32-man Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead: Combined Ops Game Server provided by Defconservers

Server IP:

We use Teamspeak 3 for VoiceComs

Website that is still in the works at www.25th-id.us

And a good group of guys that will take time to work with you even if you are new to ARMA 2.

Go to our site and if you wish to enlist, place a application in and a recruiter will contact you.

Thank You,

Col L.Coleman

BN Commander

3BCT, 25th Infantry Division

Edited by emt2215

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Update: We have switched Teamspeak servers to better serve our members. The NEW teamspeak is and we have also added 2 servers for our Training and Operations.

We are also, starting our first Operation. Operation Fresh Start, we be starting on Sunday 11SEP11. And we are still accepting applications for NEW members...


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We have a New Public Server Address: Port: 2302 and we have a NEW Insurgency Map 25thID style. Check us out and remember our teamspeak is and our website www.25th-id.us

6 Months and still going STRONG ARMY STRONG........And as always we are RECRUITING!!!!

Thank You,

COL L.Coleman

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We are still recruiting for ground forces and aviation. Also, we are searching for an experienced web site designer with experience in PHP Nuke. Age requirement is atleast 18 yrs old. Please contact myself thru PM or go to our site and contact me there at www.25th-id.us.... Also, our teamspeak is


COL Coleman


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