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Getting in touch with Bush Wars Mod?

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G'day guys,

Just curious, I've tried to send the Bush Wars guys a PM and email and have had no response - are they still around the traps?

Need to ask permission about a retex I'm looking to do...



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Toni Figueira, a.k.a. Obmar, leader of the Bushwars mod, had sadly passed away in October of 2010 in a motorbike accident.

The team BWC have decided to keep alive the BWC mod,

a release for armA2 is planned for december, a new game server for the end of this month.

A video will be posted soon with official news, i suppose.

The links on the BWC forum (registration required) :



My humble two cents.

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I'm shocked, didn't know Obmar is not among us anymore. I've been wondering what is going on with BCW as it was one of most promising mods since A1 :/

I lost a very dear friend on today's date too... same thing, motorcycle accident. Damn shame. RIP, Toni.

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I'm sorry to hear that news. :(

Rest in Peace, Toni.

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