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Gta3 help

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I've been playing GTA3 for the PC since Saturday, and I need some help.

I'm stuck on the mission where you have to destroy all the Espresso-2-Go stands in 8 minutes.

I had trouble with this for THREE days. I tried using different cars, even the bullet-proof Hummer. And I still failed.

I even made my own car yesterday for this mission, and I still can't destroy all the stands in Portland in time.


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Hm...although this is Off Topic in the flashpoint forums, it still sounds a little strange for GTA3.....WOT??!!! GTA 3 ON PC?? *Organises a quick raid to the game shop*

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I'm also having a few problems with GTA3, the mission where you have to wipe out the Yakuza guys at the carpark. The B* keep blowing up my truck as soon as I ram em. Are there any invincibility cheats or anything out there? I know, I know what yer thinking, I hate cheats too but after doing the mission 50 times you get a little bored. I have completed it once but I missed what the text said so I didnt know what to do next.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ChickenHawk @ May 30 2002,16:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm also having a few problems with GTA3, the mission where you have to wipe out the Yakuza guys at the carpark. The B* keep blowing up my truck as soon as I ram em. Are there any invincibility cheats or anything out there? I know, I know what yer thinking, I hate cheats too but after doing the mission 50 times you get a little bored. I have completed it once but I missed what the text said so I didnt know what to do next.<span id='postcolor'>

If you missed the text, just press Esc then go to "Brief". All the text from the last few minutes are stored there.

That mission was kind of easy for me. It took me like 3 tries because they kept blowing me up, too. But the trick is to go in from the right, hit the guy on your first try, then fly off the ramp.

Once off the ramp, everyone will stop chasing you and all you have to do is destory the Cartel Cruiser somewhere.

After the Cruiser is destroyed, mission is done.

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Is there a demo out for GTA3? If so, can someone post a URL for it? Cant find one anywhere.

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I too played hours upon hours of GTA 3 this weekend, and I'm not really into cheats, but this is really funny.

Type: WEAPONSFORALL and all the pedestrians have guns or grenades or whatever.

Then type ITSALLGOINGMAAAD and the pedestrians start to shoot each other (you as well) with these weapons!  IT TOTAL ANARCHY! Just get in a car and drive around, man, you'll see a shoot outs on every street.

It seems that most of the missions seem kinda copy of each other.  There were only a couple that really stood out and were really fun.  But after playing the game from Thrusday through Sunday, I don't have too much of an appitite for it anymore, seems to have little replay value.  But still worth every penny.

-=Die Alive=-

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Rather than using cheats and spoiling it, for the Espresso 2 go mission, simply scout out all of the stands on all 3 islands. When you have all 9 on your radar, move to the furthest one, and blitz your way across the other two islands.


BTW Once you get a Bullet/Flame/Explosion proof Cheetah, your sorted. Ask El Burro, he's got the goods tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ May 30 2002,17:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Rather than using cheats and spoiling it, for the Espresso 2 go mission, simply scout out all of the stands on all 3 islands. When you have all 9 on your radar, move to the furthest one, and blitz your way across the other two islands.


BTW Once you get a Bullet/Flame/Explosion proof Cheetah, your sorted. Ask El Burro, he's got the goods tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I memorized where all the stands in Staunton and Shoreside Vale are. And I still need a full 8 minutes to destroy them.

I can never make it to Portland in time.

There has to be some kind of bogus cheat to finish this mission.

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Guess you guys got more out of GTA3 than I did. I got bored and took it back for a refund today. Lots of great touches but I found the game really shallow and the pathetic AI just frustrated me. Kamakazi cops who couldn't navigate a gap in a wall or a stairwell just really weren't enough for me.

Ah well, fingers crossed that Mafia will do better whenever they get it out.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ May 29 2002,23:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Rather than using cheats and spoiling it, for the Espresso 2 go mission, simply scout out all of the stands on all 3 islands. When you have all 9 on your radar, move to the furthest one, and blitz your way across the other two islands.


BTW Once you get a Bullet/Flame/Explosion proof Cheetah, your sorted. Ask El Burro, he's got the goods tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

yea thats what i did, as long as you dont hit any of the stands, the clock wont start, best car to use is the taxi if you dont have the bullet proof, flame proof, rocket proof, explosion proof, cheeta ( which btw i can help anybody who wants to know how to get it, along w/ a almost invincable secrity car) only problem w/ those is that they arnt collision proof. as for the yakuza mission where you have to kill kenji, the easiest way is to go to the left, and sort of use a little presision to snipe the bad guys w/ the heavy guns first, make sure you leave at least ONE guy surviving cuzz you need a witness, than simply run kenji over w/ your truck and fly off that ramp on the top floor make haste to the garage to loose the cops.

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I did it. I finally finished the "Destroy all Espresso Stands" mission.

How do you get the BP Cheetah?

Oh, and does anyone know where the Import/Export garage is in Staunton Island?

I completed the Import/Export mission in Shoreside Vale, and I only need the Dodo for the Portland mission.

Which brings another problem: I can't fly the Dodo for shit. And I haven't managed to drive it from Shoreside Vale to Portland sucessfully.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FetishFool @ May 30 2002,01:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I did it.  I finally finished the "Destroy all Espresso Stands" mission.

How do you get the BP Cheetah?

Oh, and does anyone know where the Import/Export garage is in Staunton Island?

I completed the Import/Export mission in Shoreside Vale, and I only need the Dodo for the Portland mission.

Which brings another problem:  I can't fly the Dodo for shit.  And I haven't managed to drive it from Shoreside Vale to Portland sucessfully.<span id='postcolor'>

the dodo has been edited so that it cant really fly well because of sept./11 heres how to get the cheata

what you need:

1 tank

1 reasonably fast car

step 1 get a tank by causing some comotion and get the army after you steal a tank OR if you have the PS2 version just enter the push button code for the spawn tank cheat. then park it on the road on that hill thats near your garage,

step 2 get a reasonably fast car like a stallion or a taxi

step 3 start the race (first el buro mission) and drive to the start location, bump one of the cars to start the race,

step 4 return to the tank. get into the tank and wait for the cars to approach from the north (i think) when they do ram the tank into the cars by driving into it head on.

step 5 use the tank and push the car into your garage BUT, make sure that the car is RIGH SIDE UP (if you put it in your garage upside down, it may explode when the door opens) and ALWAYS keep a eye on it, if you look away it may dissapear,

step 6 take a look at your new wheels if you dont like the paint take it to the spray garage and get done to the color to your liking, ( mines a smoke gray  wink.gif  ) Vahlaa! you now have a almost totally invinceable car thats only vulnarable to collisions w/ other cars, buildings and other objects

NOTE: this works for the PS2 version but i dont know about the PC version but give it a try

this trick can work w/ similar cars like the secrity car that you try to steel for the mafia

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l    ll * l << Cheetha's will be heading south tward tank

l    ll * l                                

l    ll    l_                                       **

l    ll              l                         drive tank** into one    

l    ll    l         l                          of the cars, than push it

l    ll    l          l                           into your garage than it

l    ll    lXl<< your garage          will be repaired good as

l    ll    l                                         new w/ the features

l    ll    l                                                

l    ll    l                                            

l    []** << Tank

l    []**                                                 wink.gif

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Hey thanks

But that's way in the beginning of the game.

I just finished all the main quests and am going to try to finish all the little quests.

I think the most fun vehicle in GTA3 is D-Ice's Infernus.

The doors are permantly locked, but you can still get in the car if you leave the doors open when you get out.

It's fun to watch crooks and cops try to open the doors. lol

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The games good fun, but the recommended requirements are pretty useless:

700Mhz CPU with 128MB of RAM and a 32MB graphics card

I've got all that plus 800 MHz, and I have to set everything to the min values to get it playable, even then I get lag  sad.gif

Gamespot agrees:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's worth noting that the enhanced graphics come at a price. We tested the game on the "recommended" system--a 700Mhz CPU with 128MB of RAM and a 32MB graphics card--and were required to turn every detail to its lowest setting to make the game playable. And even then, it stuttered enough that the PS2 version seemed like the better alternative. It's hard to imagine that Grand Theft Auto III would run at all on the so-called minimum specs. <span id='postcolor'>

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On the mission when you have to assassinate Kenji, I just threw grenades UNDER where he appeared on the radar. The blast went through the floor, killing him! Then when I stepped back in my cartel cruiser, I got the message that he was dead. BOOYAH tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aaron Kane @ May 30 2002,06:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">On the mission when you have to assassinate Kenji, I just threw grenades UNDER where he appeared on the radar.  The blast went through the floor, killing him!  Then when I stepped back in my cartel cruiser, I got the message that he was dead.  BOOYAH  tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Man, that was one easy mission, i just got a cartel cruiser and ran him over, then I just made that jump off the top floor of the parking garage and landed on the street and drove away, no getting out of the car, nothing.

-=Die Alive=-

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ May 30 2002,14:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Aaron Kane @ May 30 2002,06:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">On the mission when you have to assassinate Kenji, I just threw grenades UNDER where he appeared on the radar.  The blast went through the floor, killing him!  Then when I stepped back in my cartel cruiser, I got the message that he was dead.  BOOYAH  tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Man, that was one easy mission, i just got a cartel cruiser and ran him over, then I just made that jump off the top floor of the parking garage and landed on the street and drove away, no getting out of the car, nothing.

-=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'>

yea just make sure you squish the guy w/ the automatic M-16 or he'll shred your car, i like the message you get,

"Kenji is now fender meat. now get out of there!" lol, however the first GTA had the the MOST colorful language in all the games, i liked that one guy in Vice City, the corrupt police cheif Deevers, man that guy had some funny sailor talk

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I'm running GTA3 on my 733MHz, GF3, 512 SDRAM machine with zero frame problems.

This is the first game in a long time that I haven't worried about frames. But I guess I'm just lucky.

And I love how GTA3 has so few bugs. It's probably the most bug-less game I've played in years.

Oh and I need more help. I finished the game and most of the phone missions.

But I'm stuck on "Big'n'Veiny". Where you have to drive the truck and collect the porn.

The truck simply isn't fast enough. I drove perfectly with maximum speed and I still ran out of time.

Any tips?

And I'm still searching for an Import/Export garage in Staunton Island. If there even is one.

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yea that was a tricky one, especialy since the van you use has the worst handling at high speeds, the only way is to sort of master its horrible handling, slow down at the turns, and excellerate out, and becareful when entering mafia terroritory, those shot guns of theirs can shed vehicles up quite fast, try and run them over when they dont see you. but the best tip i can give you is pratice, it takes some effort but you will eventually get past it, try and memorize ware the vehicle your chasing is going so you can expect ware to go w/ out missing the turn, and if you miss the stack of the books, dont stop to turn around to get them, it wastes more time than it does replenish it, keep goin more will fall out.

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Eeehm... I don`t want to stand here as a blood-o-maniac, but is there blood in your GTA3 versions? I have the german version, which is for adults only (age 18+) but there`s no blood.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ June 01 2002,02:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Eeehm... I don`t want to stand here as a blood-o-maniac, but is there blood in your GTA3 versions? I have the german version, which is for adults only (age 18+) but there`s no blood.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, mine has blood.

Like when you shoot off a person's head or arm, blood comes out.

And when they fall, you know they're dead if there's a pool of blood coming out of their body.

GTA3 isn't worth the money.  It's very repetative, and only good when you want to play something that mixes guns and cars.

So it's probably best to be gamez'd downloaded.

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yeah, gamecopyworld.com has am alternate exe for blood in the German version, but dont say I told you.

Btw, just got it today, and I love it so far. I was into the premise of GTA1 & 2, but I could never get used to that damn top down perspective. But now Ive got it all... plus hookers! And anyone notice that one of the Mobsters that hire you sometimes gets on chatterbox radio and bitches about his mom? lol, thats good game design right there

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