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How far?

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Just for fun I started the Civilian life in single player. Jumped in to a Skoda and drove north, I topped of the fuel at the last station before the long trek in search of the edge of the map. It felt like being in the Paris Dakar, which gives me an idea for a mission... Anyhow I ran out of fuel long before I ran out of terrain to drive on.


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Reminds me of when I used to get up to this sorta stuff in OFP, karting about in the middle of nowhere on the resistance motorbike


Edited by DaveP

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hello all

this is a pointless exercise.

I love it!

More oblique uses for OA/A2 please.

Why climb a mountain? Because it's there. Why drive a virtual car in a random direction? cause he can.



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Ok OK it's silly but here's a sensible question, well a couple... :butbut:

How far dose the terrain go?

Can mission objects be placed in the wilderness?

As I said in my original post, it felt like a desert rally. If objects could be placed you could put in refuelling and check points make a mission of it. Navigating from point to point set it to Veteran to make it more interesting. If you set it up with way-points you could get AI drivers to compete against.

Anyhow just an idea :yay:

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Don't use off map for anything. It's there only for the player to be able to turn around a fast moving plane. You'll get out of bounds messages in the .rpt, and AI may become unresponsive.

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