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Multi-Session Operations v3.45 released

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Thanks for aswering Wolffy, yes I44 does have planes, I44 is BLUFOR really stumped on this one. I have been successful doing this with PRACS and it works great.

But I am not getting any planes and from what I can tell from the script it looks for Dominating presence of Airport Faction ELSE Civilian and all I get is civilian. So I don't know how to research why it doesn't see I44 class planes or why it doesn't see US as Dominating Faction and how to edit it so it does.

I will keep trying stuff.

On a side note I have successfully integrated MSO into Domination 260 Takistan and although I don't use enemy module it played on my dedi server with some others for hours, had great FPS, Domination is so effiecient and with the load of MSO works great. Also integrated it into Patrol 2 and TFOR 107, takes a hit on FPS but not a show stopper. Your updated Ambient Air code is working much better. I would be very interested in any further enhancements you come along with.



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Tupolov, Friznit and myself are working hard for the next release. There are a few difficult code changes left, but the rest is looking really good so far.

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Thanks for all your hard work on this guys .... really brings the place alive :)

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I've searched but cannot find the answer. When I run the nonACE versions of the missions there are no enemies. I've set debug = true to display the enemy locations and the locations appear on the map but the enemies do not.

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I've searched but cannot find the answer. When I run the nonACE versions of the missions there are no enemies. I've set debug = true to display the enemy locations and the locations appear on the map but the enemies do not.

What missions and download are you referring too? Any version numbers you can see? Do you have a RPT extract you can post? There are that many versions of MSO floating around you really need to provide more info.

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What missions and download are you referring too? Any version numbers you can see? Do you have a RPT extract you can post? There are that many versions of MSO floating around you really need to provide more info.

Thanks for the reply.

Downloaded from this link http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/13454/MSO_Missions_v3.45.7z

Tried TAK and CHE maps without ACE and get the same result.

Running latest version of ARMA2_CO

How does one create an RPT extract?

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Really enjoy this...great variety and something different for everyone..thanks for sharing your hard work!


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Hi Wolffy.au,

is NOMAD's Module persisting public variables?

Best regards

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Found where the RPT is:

Any thoughts as to why enemies are not spawning? Is it my config or a bug?

== D:\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe
== "D:\ArmA 2\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -world=empty 
Exe timestamp: 2011/12/24 08:37:00
Current time:  2012/01/03 17:57:17

Version 1.60.87580
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Objective listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Objective_Short listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Objective_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_BetaMission listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_BetaMission_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Respawn listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Respawn_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Vehicles listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Vehicles_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_WeaponsAndAmmo listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_WeaponsAndAmmo_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Credits_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_BetaMission listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_BetaMission_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Respawn listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Respawn_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Vehicles listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Vehicles_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Credits listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Credits_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Radar listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Radar_Short listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Radar_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_BetaMission listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_BetaMission_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Respawn listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Respawn_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Vehicles listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Vehicles_Desc listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Credits listed twice
Item STR_BWMod_CoopEvent_Credits_Desc listed twice
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndWrite' - no file
Updating base class Burst->Mode_Burst, by jsrs_m4a1_c\config.cpp/CfgWeapons/M4A1/Burst/
Updating base class ->SCAR_L_CQC, by ca\weapons_e\scar\config.bin/CfgWeapons/SCAR_L_CQC_CCO_SD/
Updating base class EnvSounds->CfgEnvSounds, by jsrs_environment_c\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/Takistan/EnvSounds/
Updating base class EnvSounds->CfgEnvSounds, by jsrs_environment_c\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/Zargabad/EnvSounds/
Updating base class ->GrenadeLauncher, by jsrs_distance_c\config.cpp/cfgWeapons/M203Muzzle/
Updating base class F35_base->Plane, by warfxveh\config.bin/CfgVehicles/F35B/
Updating base class RscPictureKeepAspect->RscPicture, by bwmod\config.bin/RscDisplayLoadMission/controlsBackground/LoadingPic/
Updating base class RscPictureKeepAspect->RscPicture, by bwmod\config.bin/RscDisplayStart/controls/LoadingPic/
Updating base class Plane->F35_base, by jsrs_f35_c\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/F35B/
Updating base class Mode_Burst->Burst, by x\asr_ai\addons\c_airof\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M4A1/Burst/
Updating base class SCAR_H_Single->SCAR_H_SD_Single, by x\asr_ai\addons\c_airof\config.bin/CfgWeapons/SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD/SCAR_H_SD_Single/
Missing addons detected:
Missing addons detected:
[6150,57.275,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=baf-usa_mso_3-45, worldName=Takistan, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false"]
[6150,58.498,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"]
"MSO-0 Nou Caching (SERVER) Starting"
"MSO-0 Weather Sync: Overcast=0.441424"
"MSO-0 Weather Sync: Fog=0"
"MSO-0 Weather Sync: Rain=0.741285"
"MSO-0 Weather Sync: O=[0.441424,0.542249,0,1144.88]"
"MSO-0 Weather Sync: F=[0,0.270742,0,2319.4]"
"MSO-0 Weather Sync: R=[0,0.579646,0,3088.94]"
"MSO-0 Dog Packs # 27"
"MSO-0 Shepherds # 26"
"MSO-0 Sea Traffic: Cannot find any sea landing objects. Exiting."
"MSO-0 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 94 Groups 63/18 Active/Cached Units"
"MSO-0 Convoy: destinations(80) spawns(17) convoys(2)"
"MSO-0 Convoys # 2"
"MSO-0 TerrorCells: spawns(17) cells(7)"
"MSO-0 Enemy Population initLocations 420"
"MSO-0 Enemy Population # 10"
"MSO-0 Enemy Population # 20"
Error in expression <_ret = _this select _ret;           
 Error position: <_ret
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ret
File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_selectRandom.sqf, line 23
Error in expression <10, 0, 5, 0] call bis_fnc_findSafePos;
[_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error position: <_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _camp
File C:\Users\User\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\baf-usa_mso_3-45.Takistan\enemy\modules\rmm_enemypop\main.sqf, line 182
Error in expression <_ret = _this select _ret;           
 Error position: <_ret
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ret
File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_selectRandom.sqf, line 23
Error in expression <10, 0, 5, 0] call bis_fnc_findSafePos;
[_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error position: <_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _camp
File C:\Users\User\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\baf-usa_mso_3-45.Takistan\enemy\modules\rmm_enemypop\main.sqf, line 182
Error in expression <_ret = _this select _ret;           
 Error position: <_ret
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ret
File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_selectRandom.sqf, line 23
Error in expression <10, 0, 5, 0] call bis_fnc_findSafePos;
[_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error position: <_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _camp
File C:\Users\User\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\baf-usa_mso_3-45.Takistan\enemy\modules\rmm_enemypop\main.sqf, line 182
Error in expression <_ret = _this select _ret;           
 Error position: <_ret
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ret
File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_selectRandom.sqf, line 23
Error in expression <10, 0, 5, 0] call bis_fnc_findSafePos;
[_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error position: <_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _camp
File C:\Users\User\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\baf-usa_mso_3-45.Takistan\enemy\modules\rmm_enemypop\main.sqf, line 182
"MSO-0 Enemy Population # 30"
Error in expression <_ret = _this select _ret;           
 Error position: <_ret
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ret
File ca\modules\functions\arrays\fn_selectRandom.sqf, line 23
Error in expression <10, 0, 5, 0] call bis_fnc_findSafePos;
[_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error position: <_camp, random 360, _pos] call f_builder;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _camp
File C:\Users\User\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\baf-usa_mso_3-45.Takistan\enemy\modules\rmm_enemypop\main.sqf, line 182
"MSO-0 Enemy Population # 40"
"MSO-0 Enemy Population # 42"
[6271,76.211,0,"WARNING: PostInit did not finish in a timely fashion"]
[6322,79.191,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]
[6322,79.24,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "]
[6322,79.398,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=true, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=false, _machineType=1, _sessionId=1, BIS_functions=L 1-1-D:1, group=L 1-1-D, player=B 1-1-B:1 (User), _playerType="BAF_Soldier_TL_MTP", _playerGroup=B 1-1-B"]
"MSO-14.109 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 101 Groups 70/52 Active/Cached Units"
"Log: [ALICE 2]: x16-1 traffic start."
"MSO-27.515 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 102 Groups 80/52 Active/Cached Units"
"MSO-40.026 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 102 Groups 85/46 Active/Cached Units"
"Log: [ALICE 2]: x16-2 traffic start."

Edited by Foxhound
Please use "code" tags to prevent long pages.

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Thanks for releasing the beta Wolffy. It's playing pretty good and I'm liking the new parameters. The main errors I've found so far are as follows:

Warning Message: Script support\modules\ZKs_Build\cargomenu.sqf not found
Warning Message: Script support\modules\ZKs_Build\cargomenu.sqf not found

and somewhere in here...

[38458,712.167,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=1, _sessionId=4, BIS_functions=L 1-1-D:1, group=L 1-1-D, player=B 1-1-B:1 (Horde), _playerType=BAF_Soldier_TL_MTP", _playerGroup=B 1-1-B]

"MSO-2.303 Nou Caching (SERVER) Starting"

"MSO-2.303 Weather Sync: Overcast=0.897385"

"MSO-2.303 Weather Sync: Fog=0"

"MSO-2.303 Weather Sync: Rain=0.688857"

"MSO-2.303 Weather Sync: O=[0.897385,0.554311,2.303,823.898]"

"MSO-2.303 Weather Sync: F=[0,0,2.303,399.685]"

"MSO-2.303 Weather Sync: R=[0,0.356503,2.303,1864.36]"

"MSO-2.543 Nou Caching (SERVER) # 23 Groups 26/4 Active/Cached Units"

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin4) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionbegin5) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend4) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend5) in ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend3) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_1_v2_dam_ep1.p3d

Warning: Unaccessible ladder point for AI (already used for actionend3) in ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_1_dam_ep1.p3d

"MSO-9.396 Dog Packs # 21"

"MSO-9.771 Shepherds # 17"

"MSO-10.027 Sea Traffic: Cannot find any sea landing objects. Exiting."

"MSO-11.913 Town Manager - Starting"

"MSO-43 Town Manager - Locations: 43"

"MSO-16.607 Convoy: destinations(80) spawns(17) convoys(4)"

"MSO-16.607 Convoys # 4"

"MSO-17.052 TerrorCells: spawns(17) cells(6)"

"MSO-17.407 Enemy Population initLocations 420"

"MSO-18.368 Convoy: #2 [7164.23,12723] [10685.9,6423.2] [11412.6,8245.07] Mechanized"

"MSO-18.802 Convoy: #1 [12767.9,10927.6] [6033.21,5680.84] [11943.2,2553.13] Armored"

"MSO-19.888 Convoy: #3 [4583.31,12736.3] [9456.48,10070.6] [89.2019,5487.25] Mechanized"

"MSO-20.209 Convoy: #4 [11916.5,2538.01] [6101.75,10982.8] [75.3274,5507.7] Motorized"

"MSO-21.783 Enemy Population # 10"

Warning Message: Script CA\modules_e\DynO\data\scripts\compositions\SmallTentCamp_napa.sqf not found

Error in expression <;



for "_i" from 0 to ((count _objs) - 1) do


private ["_obj", "_type>

Error position: <_objs) - 1) do


private ["_obj", "_type>

Error Undefined variable in expression: _objs

File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\core\functions\common\fn_createCompositionE.sqf, line 45

Warning Message: Script CA\modules_e\DynO\data\scripts\compositions\fuel_dump_ru1.sqf not found

Error in expression <;



for "_i" from 0 to ((count _objs) - 1) do


private ["_obj", "_type>

Error position: <_objs) - 1) do


private ["_obj", "_type>

Error Undefined variable in expression: _objs

File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Takistan\core\functions\common\fn_createCompositionE.sqf, line 45

"MSO-25.302 Enemy Population # 20"

"MSO-26.161 Enemy Population # 30"

"MSO-26.485 Enemy Population # 40"

"MSO-27.979 Enemy Population # 50"

"MSO-40.963 Enemy Population # 60"

"MSO-43.713 Enemy Population # 70"

I can't get it to load on a dedi yet, but I think that's something at my end.

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Which mission you testing Das?

EDIT: ok found it. Yep thanks, am fixing it now.

Edited by Tupolov

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Running like a Boss !

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Hey guys/Wolffy

I just tried ACE_CLAfghan version and haven't encountered any Shepard with his herd.. (played about 1 hour tho.)

Any1 can confirm?..

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I just tried ACE_CLAfghan version and haven't encountered any Shepard with his herd.. (played about 1 hour tho.)

Any1 can confirm?..

Check your RPT file and it will tell you how many "potential" shepherds you have on the map.

Judging by the size of Clafghan, you have a lot of area to cover, so it will be rather difficult to find them.

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Hey Wolffy, i know the 3.4 is still a Beta but are there any performance issues currently known about? Have just finished a test session...

Noticed after about 30mins, the server performance drops from a steady 40/50 down to 20/30 then continues to drop steadily until it gets to about 12/16 then sits there.

The after about 1hr 30mins the server crashes. Done it twice now...

Now i need to clear out my RPT and do another test session which i am hoping to do tommorow to give you more of an idea, but i just wanted to post...

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Please can you lock this thread? MSO 3.45 is now obsolete with v.4.0 being released today.



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