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High Command Extensions

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I'm still testing it for now but most is in place. Need to write instructions for the new commands and user interface behaviour + make some small improvements.

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hello DomZ and thank you for your mod

like an other guy I have a probleme with the load/unload unit in véhicule they are still return to their original position

a player,adidasv3 on armaholic forum, exposed the problem ( sorry i'm french it's easier to paste)

"hey guys im using the high command extension mod which allows me to teamswitch during the game and directly control my other teams. However ive got a problem in my SP mission which im creating. I have one squad which is mine and another which is the AI. So i board a CRRC and use high command extension to command my other squad to board another CRRC. But the problem arises when i disembark from the boat to carry out my mission on land. What happens is all teams are disembarked, but when i use teamswitch and control the other squad, my original 1st squad runs back to the CRRC and boards it no matter where the squad is(even far inland!) It can be really annoying when im half way into a huge mission! im sorry if its all too confusing....really need help on this one, its my first mission and this is the only issue so far......"

i hope i was clear . thank you for reply

dont quit you do a great mod


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The problem is a bug in Arma2 that I have tried to find a way round on and off for the last 9 months, but have found no full solution. I have posted the most basic version of this issue on ARMA2 Community Issue Tracker:


Squads under your command can be made to load and unload as a High Commander using commands like:

Get Out Selected In Cargo Groups (0-8-8-2-2)

Get Out Selected Groups (0-8-8-2-7)

Get In Nearest as Cargo (0-8-8-3)

My work around is make another squad the high command squad using:

Make Group HC and Switch to (0-8-1-9)

then using commands like:

Get Out Selected Groups (0-8-8-2-7)

to make the players previous squad get out and stay out of a vehicle.

Sorry I don't have a better solution yet. Wish they would fix the underlying game bug.

I hopefully should get a much newer version out this weekend.

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quick question, i use a version of your mod in my mission, but i notice that i never see the enemy icons on my map. Is there some configuration or setting in the HC module that you have to turn on to see enemy unit markers?


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- Setting up waypoints without troops moving then order them to start moving.

You will never know how much I have requested this even for High Command for Arma3! :)

Great work, I hope BIS are sniffing through this :)

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The versions 1.02 and before all use the high command module, which displays enemies as group icons itself. I don't think that it is possible to switch that off so I don't know why they don't show up. The new version uses its own system to display known enemies and other sides using markers. In the new version if the High Command module is present the map it will not display enemies with markers. The High Command Subordinate or Military Symbols may also prevent them working.

The new version works best without any of the High Command Modules, otherwise a lot of its new functionality is switched off, because it would clash with the HC module.

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I spent a lot of time testing this before, but i've spotted one or two more more minor bugs since. Any bug reports or ideas are welcome. Dom z

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Hi DomZ,

Had some time to play around with this and like what you have. I cannot fathom with your workaround for a halt waypoint to make a string of waypoints and then remove the halt (great way to work it) that BIS could not at least take some of that into a patch for arma2 before A3 arrives but hey this is fine.

Some things that sprang to mind, clearly this populates the communication menu but I notice a demo for using different menu in the menu options. I am using a mission with basic arty BIS module for supply drop/arty and so on, but this overrides as they both fight to use communications menu, is there a way (that I cant see at the moment) to shift yours to this "other menu" option at start up so BIS module options can be seen along side yours at all?

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Halt Waypoints

To create a set of waypoints for some groups without them moving:

- Select them.

- Do the command Add Halt Waypoints to Selected Groups (0-8-7-6)

-Add the waypoints.

-To get them groups moving execute the command Remove Groups First Halt Waypoints (0-8-7-7) and they will start moving.

Other Menus:

The last menu option Set Comms Menu to Another Menu (0-8-9-0)

changes the menu to another menu as an example of how to use other menus as well as High Command Extensions. However, the other stufff may assume that nothing else is using the menu. Look at the code for Comms Menu to Another Menu (0-8-9-0) to see how it works. Getting stuff to work together is often a bit of a coding exercise.

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When I mentioned I couldn't fathom, I meant BIS not implementing it into HC from the outset, how its works is fine and had that covered once I worked out the process, such a good planning feel to stack up waypoints on multiple teams, set the waypoint settings, and let them roll :)

I have since looked at the script file for comms menu and like you say a little bit of detective work I will see how module works to find a solution, or at least work arounds. Shame the comms menu works as it does (wont share like addaction in action menu) .. will keep looking at it.

All in all, great work.

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Stacking waypoints - perhaps an idea for the module improvement programme :) Where are you wolffy ?

Totally agree that this is great work !

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Stacking waypoints - perhaps an idea for the module improvement programme :) Where are you wolffy ?

Indeed. What I like too is this incorporates all of what Hybrid command could do and no need for allot of modules & syncing when making the mission, just a few init lines. So I have started to simplify down to a single small team under my command so I can split to HC small sub teams and stack the waypoint orders, kind of feels more Ghost Recon 1 again. Not that its perfect for CQB but extremely flexible as a swiss army knife to split things on the fly as a mission unfolds, more controlled flanking and so on.

The control for vehicle use is everything we should expect vanilla.

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Wish I knew what BIS are going to do with High Command in Arma 3. All I have heard is that you can command armies at the end of the campaign, which I assume means some sort of High Command. Any idea what they are up to? Think that java will make alot more possible.

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Wish I knew what BIS are going to do with High Command in Arma 3

Its been mulled over in the Arma3 section but soon Limnos Radio will be interviewing BIS with many community questions, if you want to put a question forward (voice record it or email/skype) all about this as you would be a good source to ask with what you have already done for Arma2 hi command, go here and create a decent question about it :

http://limnosradio.com/en/shows/limnosradio/the-dirty-dozen/ (recording is on right hand blue panel with alternate ways).

Def mention who you are and these scipts you already have, (deff regards to stacking the waypoints using your halt method).

BTW I am using heli command mod (adds interface to control AI heli under your squad command). I tested out having a heli placed on map and using this to get it under my HC list, then selecting the heli under HC list and then selecting to put into my squads local list out of HC and then controlling it using heli command (combat insert/fast rope etc etc) ... this seems to work fine. Once I then switch the heli back to HC list it doesn't seem to want to respond any more.

I know there are a million ways to just have a heli support without it, but I was trying to set a mission with limited editing just using these scripts and seeing the flexibility. So, if you place a crew manned Heli, take command of it through HC, then place it under local command out of HC, tell it to move and land, THEN place it back under HC slot and give it way points, do you find it still works or at this point it wont move?

Trying to fathom if its a bug or a bug with other mod, or just a confict of events and one of those things.

Edited by mrcash2009

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I had somethgin else to ask about HC regards group states:

Group States (0-8-6-0)

Set Engagement Mode (0-8-6-0-1)

Open Fire/Engage at will (RED) (0-8-6-0-1-1)

Open Fire (YELLOW) (0-8-6-0-1-1)

Hold Fire/Engage at will (WHITE) (0-8-6-0-1-1)

Only Defensive Fire (GREEN) (0-8-6-0-1-1)

Never Fire (BLUE) (0-8-6-0-1-1)

Enable Attack (0-8-6-0-1-1)

Disable Attack (0-8-6-0-1-1)

Set Speed (0-8-6-0-2)

Limited (0-8-6-0-2-1)

Normal (0-8-6-0-2-1)

Full (0-8-6-0-2-1)

Set Combat Mode (0-8-6-0-3)

Stealth (0-8-6-0-3-1)

Danger (0-8-6-0-3-2)

Aware (0-8-6-0-3-3)

Safe (0-8-6-0-3-4)

Careless (0-8-6-0-3-5)

Set Formation (0-8-6-0-4)

Column (0-8-6-0-4-1)

Staggered Column (0-8-6-0-4-2)

Wedge (0-8-6-0-4-3)

Echelon Left (0-8-6-0-4-4)

Echelon Right (0-8-6-0-4-5)

Vee (0-8-6-0-4-6)

Line (0-8-6-0-4-7)

Column (compact) (0-8-6-0-4-8)

Delta (0-8-6-0-4-9)

Get Selected Groups Stances (0-8-6-0-5)

I notice even using standard BIS 123456789 options when selecting a unit you never get the option to force them prone/stay crouched. I assume its becuase setting them danger or stealth should be enough. Although I do have times where I want all teams to crouch permanent unless told otherwise or prone for all team. Stealth & Danger can be a mixed bag of stance results in the team. The highlight in bold is a return of stance, but can there be an option here to force stance types as well? Or am I reading this wrong?

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What I've done with combat modes etc is just implemented the basic functions over groups so far. This is to see how they behave and what ones are useful (it isn't really documented clearly anywhere). I put the whole range of functions in to see how they behave. I've found they make the AI behave differently, but it is an experiment really.

Troops can behave differently when you are the player or outside the group. When you are external to a group the AI and virtual machines kick in more. For example, if you set a squad to stealth as the high commander, the set it to aware as the squad commander (as player), when you switch back to the high commander the group will revert to stealth.

I don't know if it is possible to make units or groups go prone etc outside a group as the squad leader. Is there an sqf macro for that? I haven't found one yet. To keep squads very stealthy I found "Only Defensive Fire (GREEN)" can make them only fire in extreme defence, but makes them vulnerable to heavy attack, however they can pass almost unnoticed to enemies at times in dense woods.

I'm not sure why the other addons with ropes and helicopters do not work with HC extensions. I haven't used them. HC extensions is very functional in code style, but state changes of objects and internal inaccessible game states could conflict.

Edited by DomZ

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Does this mod has pause before execution so forces won't just rush in the moment you set a waypoint - letting you to synchronize assault using multiple squads?

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To create a set of waypoints for some groups without them moving:

- Select them.

- Do the command Add Halt Waypoints to Selected Groups (0-8-7-6)

-Add the waypoints.

-To get them groups moving execute the command Remove Groups First Halt Waypoints (0-8-7-7) and they will start moving.

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If I had to say again its probably one of the best moves forward for any High Command feature :)

Domz as regards stance setting I suppose its a little too micromanaging level for the scope of HC anyway, was just interested if you ever did mainly with testing.

To keep squads very stealthy I found "Only Defensive Fire (GREEN)" can make them only fire in extreme defence, but makes them vulnerable to heavy attack, however they can pass almost unnoticed to enemies at times in dense woods.

Yes I will experiment with a few combination to get a sweet spot of play style. The swapping in out of heli and using other scripts I will have to live with, rule of thumb is to contain it mainly into HC only, either way you can still use it for heli pick up and drop I just wanted to smash around different ways and see mainly as in "what can I do with very little in the editor and only a few scripts to get all I would want in one mission" type of thing.

Using this on Mcnools latest map and the Raven drone is a pleasure combined with HAC as enemy & a few UPSMON patrols :)

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Thanks. I need to release a patch in a week or two. I noticed that the commands on the menu " Get In Nearest as Crew & Cargo (0-8-8-0)" don't work correctly and could be made better. There will also be other minor improvements and bug fixes + new mission examples. If you have any cool ideas for extra functions that make commanding easier let me know.

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