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Copehill Down WIP Thread

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I've got the Layout of one of a skills hpuse nicely drawn out if thats or any use to you.

Was going to attempt to do it myslef but don't know where to start.

yeah would be great if you could PM me it or what not.

Map look great so far. A few years ago some guy started to make A Copehill Down map for VBS2 (maybe it's you?).


thanks! ......... sadly its not me , too much of a tight arse to buy VBS2 lol

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Will do ill try and improve apon my note book images in photoshop or somthing and send them off to you mate.

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Good work so far Rabidus!

Are you including any area specifically designed for practicing section attacks? Some medium size area in close county with good micro terrain (I.E.: a forest with ditches, streams etc.)

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Good work so far Rabidus!

Are you including any area specifically designed for practicing section attacks? Some medium size area in close county with good micro terrain (I.E.: a forest with ditches, streams etc.)

there is similar things around that area that will go well with section/platoon training ... nothing custom for that tho , altho the area's terrain is pretty much perfect for that kind of training.

Rabidus, PM sent.

Cheer's fella!

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haven't saw no post on hear for ages was the map ever published

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Sadly, I'm not sure if this map was ever completed - looked very promising too!

If you flip over to the "A&M Complete" section and have a search for "Mondkalb's Cinder City" you might find it to be a good attempt - with custom buildings - of the same Copehill Down area...


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