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remote controlling units

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ey all

I have been working on a skript to remote control a gunner of a AH-1Z.

this is named remotecontroll.sqf

name the controller (the player) controller and the controlled controlled... (can't be more strait forward :))

_id = _this select 2;
_controller= controller;
_controlled = gunner controlled;
if (alive _controller and alive _controlled) then
   _controller removeaction _id;
   _controller remoteControl _controlled;
   _controlled switchCamera "gunner";
   _controlled addaction ["end emote control", "endremotecontrol.sqf",nil, 6, false, false];

this is the end remote control skript :

_id = _this select 2;
_controlled = gunner controlled;
_controller = controller;
if (alive _controller and alive _controlled) then
   _controlled removeaction _id;
   objnull remoteControl _controlled;
   _controller switchCamera "internal";
   _controller addaction ["remote control", "remotecontrol.sqf",nil, 6, false, false];

two thing go wrong :

frist the switch camera command isn't working correctly, it does not go to the gunner sight. but to a incontrolleble 1st person.

I can controll the gun and shoot it tought.

seccond it does not add the action to the controlled unit..

if anybody could help me ?? :)

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okay the skript got a overhaul :)

First name the initial player controllerplayer.

You gotta place a emty hmmwv named controller with this:

this addaction ["remote control", "remotecontrol.sqf",nil, 6, false, false, "", "player in controller"]; this lockCargo lock

in its ini.

Then you have to place a occupied vehicle with a gunner named controlled with this

this addaction ["end remote control", "endremotecontrol.sqf",nil, 6, false, false, "", "player in controlled"];

in its ini.


_controller = controller;
_controlled = controlled;
if (alive _controlled) then
   if (!isNull driver _controller) then {selectPlayer gunner _controlled;
   driver _controller remoteControl gunner _controlled;
   gunner _controlled switchCamera "GUNNER";};
   if (!isNull commander _controller) then {selectPlayer gunner _controlled;
   commander _controller remoteControl gunner _controlled;
   gunner _controlled switchCamera "GUNNER";};
   if (!isNull gunner _controller) then {selectPlayer gunner _controlled;
   gunner _controller remoteControl gunner _controlled;
   gunner _controlled switchCamera "GUNNER";};


_controlled = controlled;
_controller = controller;
if (alive _controlled) then
   selectPlayer controllerplayer;
   gunner _controlled remoteControl player;
   player switchCamera "INTERNAL";

This works pritty well exept for one thing !

The camera does not properly go back to the player and does not proberly control the gunner.

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