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...even though the objective difference it made to us would have been zero.

All this fuss is about dropping an arbitrary label "too early", nothing more.

Even tho it affects me not even the slightest, I think this is a pretty big objective difference in regards to the label.


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Woops, someone already repsonded to the post I was going to...ehm...well the excriment sure has hit the fan again huh.

I think it's very interesting how such arbitrarily defined things such as labels and "official releases" are so important to certain people here. If BIS had decided to release the full game content (including Altis etc.) on the originally planned release date but retained the "beta" label up until the day the campaign was released, nobody here would have batted an eyelid - even though the objective difference it made to us would have been zero.

All this fuss is about dropping an arbitrary label "too early", nothing more.

You'd be amazed at what a little bit of re-branding can do.

Rough example but a loooong time ago when Blizzard was testing world of warcraft they invited several people to try the mechanics.

At this point resting was considered a DEBUFF that would vanish when players rested. So the developers simply removed the debuff and instead added a buff overlay.

Lo and behold the reception suddenly went from negative to positive despite them having done nothing more than changed how it was displayed.

Extended beta states an unfinished state which is more or less what the game is in, whereas full release and removal of the beta insinuates that the game is finished and ready to be fully released.

Given the loss of content many would be confused as to how this could be called a "complete game" and we're not talking just campaign here.

This should be heavily considered given the light of the Aliens Colonial Marines debacle wherein the developers showed a game that in the end turned out to not be what it was and wound up being sued for it.

Edited by NodUnit

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Even tho it affects me not even the slightest, I think this is a pretty big objective difference in regards to the label.
Somehow I can now imagine a dev thinking "yet another promise that we should never have made"... :lol:

It should be added that the mini-campaigns seem to be intended to have some ("fairly limited") persistency, i.e. Jay Crowe describes an optional objective of going to a weapons cache "to scavenge weapons to use in the following mission that best fits your style of play", whereas the Showcases aren't burdened with any of that.

Edited by Chortles

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I'm disapointed.

Really only one jet on Release day?

I really have to ask myself some questions here.

I think that Arma 2 sold quite well and that BIS has made a profit with it, there wouldn't be a Arma 3 otherwise.

Now add to that the massive and unexpexted sale of Arma 2 that DayZ brought in.

Add the cash brought in by the Arma 3 early access programm. Since A3 is in the topseller list almost every day I expect that to be quite a nice pile of cash.


Arma 3 seems to be the best funded Arma game ever!

So what happened to that money? Where did it go?

Does anybody really believe the post release stuff?

Yes I think we will get the campaign (we still don't know how good and how long it will be)

and we will get a few more vehicels and weapons + patch support. But does anybody really believe that all those axed features will be brought into the game post release? That BIS has the time and money to pull this off?

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It's really pointless asking that Tonci87, we'll need to wait and see. I do have some optimism though :D

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im confused where is everyone getting this 1 jet information from I cant find it :/

help please

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im confused where is everyone getting this 1 jet information from I cant find it :/

help please

There is only one jet on the official vehicles list.

Pettka confirmed that some planned content has not passed QA and will not make it into the release; they hope to add it in later, but "no promises".

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im confused where is everyone getting this 1 jet information from I cant find it :/

help please

Here, in the vehicles tab: http://www.arma3.com/launch-countdown

Only the A 143 Buzzard jet fighter is in the list, no F35 for example...


EDIT: Damn it enough with these ninjas already!

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No offense but they choosed possible the worst jet ever - i know its czech but what the hell does it with Arab nation enemy? i rather have some F16 or SU39 but this jet is a joke :D

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But what the hell is an A-143?
From what I got reading this thread: a low specs 4th (?) generation Czech ground attack jet...
No offense but they choosed possible the worst jet ever - i know its czech but what the hell does with Arab nation enemy? i rather have some F16 or SU39 but this jet is a joke :D
Or a Tornado. I want a Tornado BIS!


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I'm disapointed.

Really only one jet on Release day?

I really have to ask myself some questions here.

I think that Arma 2 sold quite well and that BIS has made a profit with it, there wouldn't be a Arma 3 otherwise.

Now add to that the massive and unexpexted sale of Arma 2 that DayZ brought in.

Add the cash brought in by the Arma 3 early access programm. Since A3 is in the topseller list almost every day I expect that to be quite a nice pile of cash.


Arma 3 seems to be the best funded Arma game ever!

So what happened to that money? Where did it go?

Does anybody really believe the post release stuff?

Yes I think we will get the campaign (we still don't know how good and how long it will be)

and we will get a few more vehicels and weapons + patch support. But does anybody really believe that all those axed features will be brought into the game post release? That BIS has the time and money to pull this off?

I hope most of it went to the wages :beeeers:

Now I personally am not as worried about the content as the plan made sense to me - less content but higher quality

but this is where I feel little disappointed as in , yes the models / textures are awesome, the damage model and terrain interaction is just bad.

For now I feel I've seen less content visually nicely done but..thats it :confused:

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No offense but they choosed possible the worst jet ever - i know its czech but what the hell does with Arab nation enemy? i rather have some F16 or SU39 but this jet is a joke :D
*coughCZECH STRONGcough*

The A-143 appears to be a renamed L-159.

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Another one that doesn't understand how games are developed. Jets = config guys + artists. Showcases = mission designers.

Hey, there are sane people on here. I was beginning to worry.

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*coughCZECH STRONGcough*

The A-143 appears to be a renamed L-159.

Really? From what I read online on the jet, it's a sort of Czech MB-339, lower specs than a Ghibli too...

An M346 would have been such a nicer choice IMHO:

http://www.i-enry-aviation.it/aerei2009/090313M346X616.jpg (531 kB)

From what I read on the specs anyway it's slow (500 knots, totally subsonic), although capable of some sort of AA (mainly because the hardpoints can take the AIM-9M and IRIS-T SRMs)... I personally would never go in an ACM fight with this jet anyway! :(

I'd probably prefer an A-10C, at least it's sturdy as hell...


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Again, lets wait for the official statement on why they delayed the Campaign. Either way, we should all be appreciative of what BIS is doing.....they are working their butts off to give us a quality product. Remember, if you bought the Alpha, it was a steal for $30.

Its not just about the money paid for the game for me (cheers MAC) , it was the scrimping and saving for the 2 new pc's I had to buy to play the game at the highest fps I could afford and now I don't play online I haven't found a good server since my GU split, The campaign was my main part to the game and now the campaign when released is just a couple of missions stringed together it will not be like the old campaigns in that multi branch ways of completing the mission and not out on release and with the axed features I feel pissed off spending over £3000 on 2 machines for just 1 game that now turns out not to be what we signed up for from the original plan.

Arma has been the only title I have played in the last 10 years the only games I have installed up untill recently now I find my self playing insurgency2 and drifting away from A3 I had some good plans for islands and sorts but now I am not sure to carry on with the series as too much has been axed or dummed down to a casual ordiance for me, I got my dad playing my son my nephews and a few friends to all buy copies of a1/a2/oa/dlc's/TOH/A3 my support has now dwindled to encourage people to buy/play the game.

Just hope I get my mojo back or ill bin it off and start looking at ground breach and the udk engine to play with.

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Or a Tornado. I want a Tornado BIS!


In 2035, L-159 will be very useless and old, Tornado too.

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As much as I would like to have the KSG, C-130 and all the other content they showed and now isn't in the game:

I (hopefully) will get what I paid for. From the day the Alpha was sold, us was promised +20 Vehicles, 40 Weapons, etc.

Since they already posted an apology and an explanation I can't really complain.

Altough I would really like to have Shotguns and a more planes. Let's hope we'll get that soon after release.

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I think it's very interesting how such arbitrarily defined things such as labels and "official releases" are so important to certain people here. If BIS had decided to release the full game content (including Altis etc.) on the originally planned release date but retained the "beta" label up until the day the campaign was released, nobody here would have batted an eyelid - even though the objective difference it made to us would have been zero.

All this fuss is about dropping an arbitrary label "too early", nothing more.

that may be partly true but it's not that simple. you are talking about the final release as if it's just some imaginary thing that could be set somewhere next year and as if it makes no difference, if the full game has only 1 jet or, if we might get one more jet later. 1 is just a number what do we care... it's the same with the campaign. since when is it normal to just ignore the word final and go on with the beta attitude for who knows how long?

playing a campaign in episodes makes much more than zero difference as several people have described.

and if it was just that i would fully agree with you. but for some reason BI managed to get this reversed style of developement going where things don't get added but get removed. if you can just accept what they do, the minute right after you finished reading another of their nicely formulated PR apologies, then that is just your way of coping with stuff being removed and being delayed indefinately. openly accepting every new bad news just because you don't expect better from them anymore. i know they have their reasons but it doesn't make it better.

sure it's easy to make this just about the jet and the campaign when looking at this thread. but i think you know it's about a lot of other things. and reading that the jet that has been in so many screens and that is probably just a reworked version of an arma 2 jet anyways, won't be there, just after having come to terms with the campaign thing, constantly reminds people of all the things they had to learn are not as has been initially suggested.

it's just when you think "ok this sucks but it seems that's how it's gonna be" you get another news about something being removed or delayed.

huge map...combined arms...but only one plane...wow!

when i read all those statements about lack of resources being the reason for stuff not being there, i always thought to myself "well makes sense. they have to make all the vehicles and weapons and the campaign to have an actual game"...

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In 2035, L-159 will be very useless and old, Tornado too.
Yes, you are right after all...


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With all the good aircraft currently under development I can not believe that BIS is only found that L-159, which is more directly imported from ArmA 2

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I'm basing my take on the PCGames.de footage where the fixed-wing aircraft was shown briefly near the end, prior screenshots of the L-159 (in OPFOR colors though) and the similar designation format.

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