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I44: Battle of the Bulge Island

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Ahh I love this map!

I spent probably an hour setting up my American lines perfectly, and forgot to save... FML. Now I'm too lazy to go and re-create it.. I did get a chance to play as a German attacking it once before I went full retard though, twas great..

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I'm sure if you wait a bit for the heart of I44 to update, it'll have winter units. ^^ They even have screens of a few, plus a small teaser video =D

US Winter Units - http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1992246&postcount=712

German Winter Units - http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1993270&postcount=716

Video - http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1995082&postcount=742

Edited by SigintArmA

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It's really regretful I couldn't open these pics for some reason of my P.C.. Damn it!

Just wonder if they will include their winter troops in the update of current Normandy Mod or have to wait till they finish the Mod of Bugle as they once planned.

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If you followed out news posts you'd see that 2.6 will include both the winters units and the british units we've been promo'ing for a while ;)

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In reagard of your winter troops, any list to show what vehicles, tanks & troops will be included in 2.6 update? Another personal suggestion is if could add more soldiers & officers for different rank options.

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We might put out a class list prior to release if I get time to update it before hand. 2.6 will also include brits as well as some winter troops, its not purely a 'battle of the bulge mod' so don't expect every type of vehicle to suddenly be white, and as a vast majority weren't winter camo'd anyway it would be a bit unrealistic to do so.

Troop wise we're generally recreating the same classes we had before, there's not much point in designing that many new ranks as most high ranking and different uniformed officers wouldn't be involved in the level of combat we've got in mind. Also for the most part a lot of insignia was hidden by layers of clothes.

Any other questions about the mod rather than the map you might wanna ask over in the main topic ;)

Edited by PacUK

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The last question here following the above topic. As for the hidden insignias or maybe ranks, in the new release, is it possible to include at least corporal, sergeant, senior or staff sergeant, junior lieutant & capatian. Or even a major. These NCO & officers really attended the combats in the front very often. That could give more choice of commanders in the game for more realistic atmosphere.

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Battle of the Bulge updated to 1.1!

Root post updated with change list and download link.

Enjoy :)

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I have to say that this map is the most played map since I discovered it.

Thank you for this great map and for the amazing enviroment :).

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Bulge updated on Six Updater.

7.23 MB delta.

sent 7.23M bytes received 51.15K bytes 309.86K bytes/sec

total size is 126.58M speedup is 17.38

Edited by Sickboy

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