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How to enable ACM with a trigger?

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I have it set up with the init.spf and it works, but I want to use my ACM to spawn random foot patrols only after a trigger initiates. How would I do this?

// BIS_ACM is module name.

waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}};
waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"};
sleep 5;

[0.8, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;

[bIS_ACM, 300, 800] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc;

[["GUE"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc;

[0.1, 0.7, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;

[0.5, 0.95, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc;

["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

["air_patrol", -1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

[bIS_ACM, ["GUE_InfSquad", "GUE_InfTeam_1", "GUE_InfTeam_2", "GUE_MilitiaSquad"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;


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I'm pretty sure you can't do that, sadly. Modules always initiate from mission start.

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you can set its presence, instead of being true you can put this:

triggeractivated triggername;

This is not tested, I always use parameters when it comes to this kind of stuff

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you can set its presence, instead of being true you can put this:

triggeractivated triggername;

This is not tested, I always use parameters when it comes to this kind of stuff

Doesn't seem to work.

I think I'll just change the sleep to a few minutes so that the ACM activates later, just not at the beginning of my mission.

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Like I said, modules initiate from mission start. Just because you aren't defining its parameters doesn't mean it isn't running. It should still run, but just using default settings. Unless that's changed.

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I have not tested this yet but I thought you could set the intensity to 0 at start like this below and then change it back later?


[0, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;

In a trigger or condition somewhere

[0.8, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;

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