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The Brilliance of Dwarf Fortress (NY Times online article)

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A fantastic article about dwarf fortress. Goes to show that gaming can and should be more than hunting for achievements (Which the developers of DF call abusive of the player) or getting tunneled trough corridors along with bright fireworks. Normal games try to be movies, rather than games. Arma is different. Hopefully TOH and Carrier Command will be too.

Arma is another game in the niche that lets players use their brains, instead of mesmerizing them with fireworks and hordes of stupid, cannonfodder AI. Ever since OFP, it has filled a niche that so far, no other game has come even close to filling. The community has dwindled a bit since the days of OFP, but I think Arma 3 can remedy that.

I know to many of us, Arma is actually one of the most important, if not the most important game. There is nothing like it. So, please BI, when trying to make the game more accessible for new players, don´t file away at the core gameplay, the open worlds, modabillity and ease of making our own missions and campaigns.

Edited by InstaGoat

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I know to many of us, Arma is actually one of the most important, if not the most important game. There is nothing like it. So, please BI, when trying to make the game more accessible for new players, don´t file away at the core gameplay, then open worlds, modabillity and ease of making our own missions and campaigns.

I'll save the reading for when I'm at work, but I fully agree with you. I get bored so easily with other games and always find myself turning back to ArmA.

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