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F/A-18 Super Hornet

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Jynx, weapon master is intended to be used by mission editors to created named configurations for weapons. If you want to enable weapon master weapons for the F18, open mando_missiles\units\mando_rearm_vehicle.sqf (script suite version), look for

case "F18":


and just after it and before

_mando_weapon_confs_temp = [

add as many lines as you want similar to:

_display displayCtrl 1 lbAdd "Desired weapon class name here";

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Jynx, weapon master is intended to be used by mission editors to created named configurations for weapons. If you want to enable weapon master weapons for the F18, open mando_missiles\units\mando_rearm_vehicle.sqf (script suite version), look for

case "F18":


and just after it and before

_mando_weapon_confs_temp = [

add as many lines as you want similar to:

_display displayCtrl 1 lbAdd "Desired weapon class name here";

ok is that for when ya release the new version? becuase the version i have (24b97) doesn't have the f18s in it. or can i pull that one file from ya beta release and just replace the one in the suite?

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@Mando, I think I know what you're asking... basically for the altitude and speed of the F18 at those ranges from the wires during a proper landing?

Anyway, here's a good read on carrier landings I found beneficial:


Currently my Nimitz is set to use a 3.5 degree glide slope, though recently I've come to believe its not entirely accurate and am going to modify that script quite a bit next release so its more accurate. Proper landing speed is 240kph when you touch the deck I believe. Hope that helps somewhat.

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Could the 'Two dark figures' be the ejection seats he's seeing for only a moment?

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Thanks JDog, that's pretty good info. The idea is to create a dynamic tunnel (like an allowance cone) visible from Navigation HUD. That allowance cone would not consider just the exact glideslope path and speed, but a set of allowed ranges that becomes more and more restrictive as you aproach the touch down position.

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Anybody ever tried refueling the SuperHornet with the Aireal Refueling from ACE? Couldnt get the F18 to "Dock" at the refueling Probe.


Any news on the Landing Gear Fix and the MK82 - Maverick like behavior? Did the PM I send you help in any way with the Landing Gear?

Cant wait to use it within the squad, but those Bugs are holding me back using it on MP.

Thanks anyway, Freaking good work :)


Best regards


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Sorry gentleman but I have been real busy these past few days. I will have more time to look into these things this evening and this coming week.

I have made some changes and fixes for the next release which should be soon.

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Gday Meatball,

Thanks for your hard work. I have a question for you.

* Is it possible to script vehicle animations...I tried the following with no luck:

_unit_player action ["Close Canopy", _veh];
_unit_player action ["Gear DOWN (F/A-18F)", _veh];

I am not sure how to call these animations, perhaps their name is different than what the action menu name suggests.

Anyway thanks again, I am looking forward to the next release but really enjoying finally having an F18 in game.


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Hi thanks for such a great add on I love it. I would still like to see the Blue angels paints for this. Anyway ISSUE:When I got into the editor and I select BLUFOR and then I got to faction :USMC (2nd Marine Aircraft wing) and class: AIR I see UNIT F/A 18 I click it and it places a BLUE F-35 ICON? and then I preview and its an F-35..? I also have an Option however under Class where I selected AIR I also have VFA and then ONLY THEN does the AI Filled F-18s 1-5 list show up for me to place and then I preview and they are F-18s...Weird ...I had a friend test this and he doesn't have the option to select Air under class ???

Edited by Eaglezero6205

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I don't really see why it's wierd. Didn't have any problems with that, i didn't expect it to be in Air because not every addon maker puts it there, and, AGAIN, that f-35/fa-18 issue has been fixed. Please read the pages before.

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UPDATE mar_2MAW_V1.1


* FIXED: MMA - Need to make corrections on the ViewPilot view. pilots and gunners heads seems too off center (HIGH)

* FIXED (sort of) : I changed it back to green hud... I know the horizon bar turns... it will have to do for now until I fix it.

* FIXED: OPTICS ISSUE - Never had problem will look into it (MEDIUM)


* FIXED: TEXTURE - This is being worked on now (HIGH)

* FIXED: F/A-18 CANNOT BE LOCKED ONTO - had a little config issue, now enemy shoots at you, so keep your head down!

* FIXED :LANDING GEAR ISSUES - I added "GEAR DOWN (F/A-18F)" and "GEAR UP (F/A-18F)" use those for now until I figure out how to erase the others

* FIXED: COUNTER MEASURES (R button)- I added Countermeasures to the F/A-18F

UPDATE mar_2MAW_V1.2


FIXED mar_pilot.. no longer running into invisible walls on Nimitz deck

REMOVED extra "gear up' and 'gear down" actions

FIXED Pilot View centered for all units

FIXED Pilot RTM file so pilot is not situated nicely in cockpit

RESOLVED Scaling Issue - I checked the dimensions of the F/A-18F and the model is nearly perfect on scale.

UPDATE mar_2MAW_V1.3


RESOLVED: TAILHOOK ISSUE - But I think there might be still two actions that pop up, but I dont think they are on my part, because my useractions would be "Tailhook DOWN" and "Tailhook UP".

REMOVED "F-18" which was really F35B

FIXED Ejection error

FIXED not positively sure but hopefully fixed the multiplayer landing gear issue.

CHANGED now can be found under: Blufor > USMC > 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2MAW)

COMING SOON: Carrier Air Wing Eleven (CVW-11) VFA-14: Blufor > US Navy > Carrier Air Wing Eleven (CVW-11)

TO DO List


* WORK ON DAMAGE MODEL - need to look into this.. (LOW)

* ADD GEAR TO PILOT - Yes I know about that was going to get to it. (LOW)

* NAV System - slightly off-screen (LOW)

* JETTISONED FUEL TANK ISSUE - Dont know how that is possible.. heard some talk about it earlier. will look into it. (LOW)

* STUCK IN AIR - I am looking into it, but I am pretty sure it has something to do with the start up sequence. I am working on that now. (MEDIUM)

Hopefully this will solve some of the issues that have been posted. We will eventually get all the bugs worked out. I have had some personal issues that have taken my time, so I will do my best to get these worked out. Please enjoy and post any comments. Thanks!

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Hi Meatball and fellow comunity members, due to me trying this whole "becoming a FireFighter thing" i have not been around alot but was so happy when i had a break and got to play Arma2 a bit, and this F-18 being the first thing i reached for im honored to say this is an amazing contrubution to our comunity! however one simple question, NOT that i have anything againsts Mykes great ol' mighty GLT_Missilebox, is there away for those of us whom would like to play this great addon with the less amount of MB possible to have a simple version with just standard BIS loadouts? i can easily create that myself however in the sake of me ever releasing any of my atleast 200 some missions(30-40 of so with your f-18 in it) it would be nice to have a version that when/if i release i would not have to change things around, or incase i play my missions online with others. So if you could do that, it would be great! And possibly without your nicly made pilot! just a F-18 with stock BIS loadouts and pilots???

...Odly this next next question might be in the other direction, but could you also release a replacement version of your pilots so that all jets in Arma2/OA can use them stock?


EDIT: Btw i meant No Offence what so ever, sorry if i came off rude..im just short of time atm! also if you need help with anything and i have time please be sure to send me a shout, im not too skilled in anything but have basic knowlege of most things(configs,models and so forth)!

Edited by soldier2390

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Thanks for the update Meat. Couldn't help notice it says landind "gears", which did make me chuckle a bit, but despite that all went well on a small test flight.

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Contgrats on the release.

Just gave it a go on the Dedicated Server.

Wonderfull, looks like the two major bugs are fixed:

- MK82 behavior like a Missile fixed

- Landing Gear trouble on MP

Thank you very much for that :)

Awesome :D

Best regards

[Edit]Is there any texture template to work on some skins? :D

Edited by swissMAG

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however one simple question, NOT that i have anything againsts Mykes great ol' mighty GLT_Missilebox, is there away for those of us whom would like to play this great addon with the less amount of MB possible to have a simple version with just standard BIS loadouts?

And possibly without your nicly made pilot! just a F-18 with stock BIS loadouts and pilots???

...Odly this next next question might be in the other direction, but could you also release a replacement version of your pilots so that all jets in Arma2/OA can use them stock?

I imagine when I get this stable I will have a version with just stock BIS stuff, but it is a LOW priority at the moment.

Thanks for the update Meat. Couldn't help notice it says landind "gears", which did make me chuckle a bit, but despite that all went well on a small test flight.

Ooops.. will correct

Contgrats on the release.

Just gave it a go on the Dedicated Server.

Wonderfull, looks like the two major bugs are fixed:

- MK82 behavior like a Missile fixed

- Landing Gear trouble on MP

Thank you very much for that :)

Awesome :D

Best regards

[Edit]Is there any texture template to work on some skins? :D

Sweet! Thanks for checking for me. Maybe.. PM me and lets see what you are thinking of about those skins..

Edited by Meatball0311

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Thanks for the update, your hard work is much appreciated!

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Hi Meatball,

The F18 looks really crapy from far away on the Nimitz. The F14 crew solved the problem with the carrier.


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This is one nice aircraft. The ultimate all-rounder fighter in ArmA 2 brought to us by meatball. Great job.

There is one issue and I cannot see anyone having them yet. My hornet doesn't display the missile locking cue and the Maverick targeting system. The index is also off set by a lot. I think I've installed the correct mods and done correct installation, I reinstalled it but the issue still exists. Please look into it, thank you.

I'm using the ArmA Launcher by Spirited Machine to start ArmA 2 CO because i bought A2 and OA seperately.

Edited by faycheung

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Hey Meatball,

first of all excellent work I like it!! :yay:

I have two issues and two requests:

1) When I set a F-18 in the editor flying and preview it I get the "pvs14.p3d not found" error. Don't know if that has already been reported. Only F-18 and GLT_Gissilebox were loaded.

2) Ejection Fail: is this supposed to happen? :-D

3) Can you assign the machine gun to the Pilot and give him a crosshair for it?

4) I'm not that good in scripting but I don't like the NVG sight while looking through the gunner optics. The solution would be to replace the Optic options with the one form the Apache. Don't know exactly if that would do the trick but if it does it would be perfect. Also TI would be awesome. :-D

class OpticsIn {
class Wide {
	opticsDisplayName = "";
	initAngleX = ;
	minAngleX = ;
	maxAngleX = ;
	initAngleY = ;
	minAngleY = ;
	maxAngleY = ;
	initFov = ;
	minFov = ;
	maxFov = ;
	visionMode[] = {"Normal", NVG, "Ti"};
	thermalMode[] = {0, 1};
	gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_Ka50_rocket.p3d";


class OpticsOut {
class Monocular {
	initAngleX = ;
	minAngleX = ;
	maxAngleX = ;
	initAngleY = ;
	minAngleY = ;
	maxAngleY = ;
	initFov = ;
	minFov = ;
	maxFov = ;
	visionMode[] = {"Normal", NVG};
	gunnerOpticsModel = "";
	gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {};


Edited by Tasel

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Hey Meatball,

1) When I set a F-18 in the editor flying and preview it I get the "pvs14.p3d not found" error..


I get this same problem. Its something wrong with the Marine Aviator but I have no clue why.. Its still playable thank god.

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