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Retexture an unit for Arma 2

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Hi all, I am French so I can make some syntax errors. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Here's my problem: :j:

I am looking for months to make a new soldier to play on Arma2, I downloaded the BIS'tools and the models that were provided. The model that I would change is the Russian soldier, I managed to change the textures, it was not very complicated but now with my new soldier I do not know what to do.

Here is the new soldier:


I know it's not nice at all but for now I want just to use it in. What should I do? how to make config.cpp, someone could help me, did I forget something? please help me because it is a very important project for me.

I saw all the tutorials available on the internet but I do not understand, you have a complete and well illustrated tutorial to start modeling?

Thank you for help, hoping to have explicit answers from you.:)

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