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Wrong CD key

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**** FIXED sry I just had to run first time setup for OP arrowhead sry ;p********

Hi everyone,

First off thanks you so much BI, this looks like a great product, and I've been looking for something abit more challenging than the vanilla Arma 2 helo's.(untill PR comes out)

I run the install, it unpackes then gives me WRONG CD KEY msg and exits.

I am running ARMA combined operations, off steam, just purchased it yesterday.

any advice ? I tried deleting my clientregistry.blob file from steam and running as admin, it was listed as a fix to steam wrong cd key error for an older ARMA patch.

Fresh install of ARMA2 and OPA, no mods or anything like that. 2 month old windows install.

also YES I am sure this is a legit version of Arma, I wouldn't be asking otherwise.

ID love to try out this game, and will probably be preordering it too.

Edited by Contra
Probelm fixed

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