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What 3 Things would you like to witness in your lifetime?

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Hard choice but here are the things close to my mind

- Cure for cancer and aids

- Fall of the communist Kim regime in North Korea + further unification with South Korean nation.

- Me travelling around the World

- Terraforming of Moon/Mars/Venus (or at least establishing a self reliable human habitat there)

- Human interaction with extrasolar life-forms (Tech. sharing if possible)

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1. Defeat of the Reapers. Failing this, I'll settle for some awesome bionic implants.

2. A happy marriage with my fiancée.

3. Australia remaining a sovereign nation of champions.

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1. Evidence of existence after death.

2. A serious, humane & workable worldwide population reduction program.

3. A free, unlimited power source.

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2. A serious, humane & workable worldwide population reduction program.

Ah, you see - that's where the Reapers come in. :627:

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On a second through, I'd like to change something...

1. Man on moon again/man on mars

2. Nuclear fusion power

3.Homeworld 3

Much more like it:D

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1. Arma3 for Linux, i.e. for freedom, not for no costs

2. Google (back to) doing no evil

3. Extreme Nationalism back to moderate natural nationalism

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Hard choice but here are the things close to my mind

- Cure for cancer and aids

- Fall of the communist Kim regime in North Korea + further unification with South Korean nation.

- Me travelling around the World

- Terraforming of Moon/Mars/Venus (or at least establishing a self reliable human habitat there)

- Human interaction with extrasolar life-forms (Tech. sharing if possible)

Users reading the original post.

What are your guys top 3?

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1. Everything that everyone else wishes for

2. The complete opposite to what everyone else needs

3. More tablets.

4. Clearly some more tablets.

5 .... *gone to get tablets* ....

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1. A Cure for Alzheimers

2. Freespace 3

3. Arsenal winning the CL (it has to happen sometime!)

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  • A cure for cancer
  • The proper upholding and enforcement of human rights
  • Peace in the Middle East

Yes. I pretty much hope for the 3 least likely events to happen in my lifetime. :p

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3. Arsenal winning the CL (it has to happen sometime!)

Like it!

Interesting that alot of people are curious to see earth come into contact with another intelligence. :)

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1. Mankind on mars

2. Mankind finding an alien survey team on mars

3. Mankind forming a galactic alliance with said alien race

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Users reading the original post.

Clearly you've only listed one.


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1. Mankind on mars

2. Mankind finding an alien survey team on mars

3. Mankind forming a galactic alliance with said alien race

1. Mankind betraying said alliance

2. Mankind going to war with said alien race

3. Mankind being anihilated in said war

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1. Mankind betraying said alliance

2. Mankind going to war with said alien race

3. Mankind being anihilated in said war

1. Mankind remnant forces form a flotila

2. Mankind remnant forces flotila destroys the Pain Orb battle station where said alien race's leaders reside with a surprise attack .

3. Mankind organizes a party on a moon .

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1. Mankind remnant forces form a flotila

2. Mankind remnant forces flotila destroys the Pain Orb battle station where said alien race's leaders reside with a surprise attack .

3. Mankind organizes a party on a moon .

1. Mankind gets completely shit faced at said party and accidentally makes out with its own sister.

2. The shame causes mankind to fall into a deep depression. It also recieves shifty looks at family reunions.

3. Mankind begins experimenting with drugs, ODs on some weird Na'vi shit and dies choking on its own vomit.

You're welcome.

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1: Technology that promises a trans-human future without actually eliminating humans.

2: Eta Carinae exploding.

3: Men on Mars

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1. Mankind gets completely shit faced at said party and accidentally makes out with its own sister.

2. The shame causes mankind to fall into a deep depression. It also recieves shifty looks at family reunions.

3. Mankind begins experimenting with drugs, ODs on some weird Na'vi shit and dies choking on its own vomit.

You're welcome.

I think you just described the internet.

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1: No more CoD games. (:D)

2: The european union collapses.

3: Sweden removes their troops from Somalia, Afghanistan and Lybia.

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1. Mankind abandoning the search for alien life. Hey we can barely get off our own rock, nevermind trying to contact who-knows-what that are already cruising around the galaxy.

2. A humane solution to the coming population and energy crisis.

3. Moar spaceships.

In all seriousness I would have loved to see a shuttle launch. Hope I get to see something similar.

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