Respawn function for Single Player v 1.3. For AI and Player. v1.3 updated 9th july 2011 Requires Arma 2 OA or CO (A2 + OA). This grew from a few lines in a eventhandler to a big project, feel free to wish/request other options/features into this thread. Credits: Notes: Future Upgrades: Changelog v 1.3: place marker called SPR_respawn wherever you want to respawn at. 1: place this in player unit OR AI unit init line: there are also extra options to apply if desired, info in top of script with examples. _null = ["SPR_start",this] execVM "SP_respawn.sqf"; 2: save the script as SP_respawn.sqf 3: adjust the options in top of script to your liking. _timer = 10; // timer until respawn, default is 10 seconds. _delete = 0; // timer until delete of old dead unit, 0 = never. // + more options. 4: place script in your mission folder, done. SP_respawn.sqf