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Ammo boxes on parachute. Script from gerasimow9 and Leh2012

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Translator Leh2012, creators gerasimow9 and Leh2012.

So, two scripts fulfilling identical function, but having small distinctions became a fruit of mine with gerasimow9 common efforts.

I want to pay attention that has written the main part of the code gerasimow9, I have only rectified some errors and have made the script version in sqf!

Also I have made two examples, one for pure ArmA2, the second for ArmA2 OA.

Here also there was a new version of a script, it happens thanks to council of comrade DICS. In the new version I have left only SQF a file.

The list of changes:

The ammo box appears precisely on a fit place.

Unnecessary lines in the code are corrected some.

I'm written an explanation of a corrected script.

Script activation:

In the trigger or a script write

p=[sam] execVM "sbros.sqf";

The script version SQF

sam - the name of the airplane which will be transferred in a script, can be any!

Further there is an explanation of this script!

// Translator Leh2012, creators gerasimow9 and Leh2012.

// _c130 name of the  airplane, local variable!
// _chute name of the parachute, local variable!
// _box name of the ammo box, local variable!
// _bam name of the new ammo box,local variable!

// "ParachuteMediumWest_EP1" name of the parachute, You can enter any! 
// "USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1" name of the ammo box, You can enter any!

_c130 = _this select 0; // Transmission of a title of the airplane in the script.
_chute = "ParachuteMediumWest_EP1" createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; // create parachute
_chute setPos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getPos _c130 select 1), (getPos _c130 select 2)]; // Parachute teleport to airplane coordinates
_box = "USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1" createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; // create ammo box
_box setpos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getpos _c130 select 1), (getpos _c130 select 2)]; // Ammo box teleport to airplane coordinates
_box attachto [_chute, [0, 0, 0]]; // ammo box attachment to a parachute 
waitUntil {((getPos _box) select 2) < 1}; // Waiting of a landing of a ammo box
detach _box; // Unhitching of a box from a parachute
_box setpos [(getpos _box select 0), (getpos _box select 1), 0]; // Lifting the ammo box on the ground level 
_bam ="USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1" createVehicle [(getpos _box select 0),(getpos _box select 1),(getpos _box select 2)+0]; // create new ammo box
deletevehicle _box; // delete old ammo box

Example for ArmA2. Version 1.1

Example for ArmA2 OA. Version 1.1

PS: Excuse for the bad English language!

Edited by Leh2012
Added version 1.1

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Has updated the first post of the new information!

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Has updated the first post. Added version 1.1!

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So, is glad to inform on an output of the new version of this script!

About version 1.2

I did this version already without involvement Gerasimow9 and I put into it very much!

Now the script perfectly works not only with ammo boxes, but also with vehicles!

Next, list of changes.

* The script is completely universal, it is not necessary to displace game any more and to open a script. All can be made through the editor!

* I'm added two variations of a script. With parameter true, the script works for ammo boxes, and with parameter false for vehicle.

* Smoke grenade and lighting rockets which will specify a place of a landing of a ammo box or vehicle are added.

In case of ammo box or vehicle destruction, smoke grenades and lighting rockets won't be created.

* Now, if during flight ammo box it will be destroyed, it won't be replaced new at a landing!

* Some changes in the code!

Next, instructions for the script.

//  How to start this script?

//  1 Create new mission
//  2 Put the script in a folder with a mission 
//  3 Create airplane and give it a name 
//  4 Activate the script from a trigger or from an other script

//  For example: p=[true,sam,"ParachuteBigWest_EP1","M2A2_EP1"] execVM "sbros.sqf"

//  true  mode for boxes, if you gonna reset ammo box, write in script activation true!
//  false  mode for vehicle, if you gonna reset vehicle, write in script activation false!
//  sam The airplane name which reset object, it is necessary to deliver it in the editor!
//  "ParachuteBigWest_EP1" Parachute name(from config)
//  "M2A2_EP1" Name ammo box or vehicle (from config)

//  Script from within

//  _c130 Name airplane, local variable!
//  _chute Name parachute, local variable!
//  _box Name ammo box or vehicle, local variable!
//  _bam Name new ammo box or vehicle, local variable!

_nm = TypeOf (_this select 1);
if (_this select 0) then {    // if true, make next code, edit in trigger!(for ammo box)

_c130 = _this select 1;  // transfer airplane name in script
_chute = (_this select 2) createVehicle [0, 0, 0];  // Create parachute
_chute setPos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getPos _c130 select 1)-10, (getPos _c130 select 2)-10];  // Parachute teleport to airplane coordinates 
_box = (_this select 3) createVehicle [0, 0, 0];  // create ammo box
_box setpos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getpos _c130 select 1)-10, (getpos _c130 select 2)-10];  // ammo box teleport to airplane coordinates
_box attachto [_chute, [0, 0, 0]];  // ammo box attachment to a parachute  
waitUntil {((getPos _box) select 2) < 1};  // Waiting of a landing of a ammo box
switch (true) do
 case not (alive _box): {detach _box;_box setpos [(getpos _box select 0), (getpos _box select 1), 0];};  // If ammo box destroyed, make this code
 case alive _box: {detach _box;_box setpos [(getpos _box select 0), (getpos _box select 1), 0];_bam =(_this select 3) createVehicle [(getpos _box select 0),(getpos _box select 1),(getpos _box select 2)+0];deletevehicle _box;"SmokeShellgreen" createVehicle getPos _bam;_flare = "F_40mm_White" createVehicle [getPos _bam select 0,getPos _bam select 1,+150];}; // If alive ammo box, make this code
_chute setPos [(getpos _box select 0)+2, (getPos _box select 1), (getPos _box select 2)];  // Parachute teleport to ammo box edge 

} else {  // if false, make next code, edit this variable in trigger!(for vehicle) 

_c130 = _this select 1;  // transfer airplane name in script
_chute = (_this select 2) createVehicle [0, 0, 0];  // Create parachute
_chute setPos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getPos _c130 select 1)-10, (getPos _c130 select 2)-10];  // Parachute teleport to airplane coordinates
_box = (_this select 3) createVehicle [0, 0, 0];  // create vehicle
_box setpos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getpos _c130 select 1)-10, (getpos _c130 select 2)-10];  // Vehicle teleport to airplane coordinates 
_box attachto [_chute, [0, 0, 0]];  // Vehicle attachment to a parachute
waitUntil {((getPos _box) select 2) < 1};  // Waiting of a landing of a vehicle
switch (true) do 
 case not (alive _box): {detach _box;};  // if not alive vehicle, then Unhitching vehicle from parachute.
 case alive _box: {detach _box;"SmokeShellgreen" createVehicle getPos _box;_flare = "F_40mm_White" createVehicle [getPos _box select 0,getPos _box select 1,+150];};  // if alive vehicle, then Unhitching vehicle from parachute; Create smoke grenade; create the lighting rocket;
_chute setPos [(getpos _box select 0)+2, (getPos _box select 1), (getPos _box select 2)];  // Parachute teleport to vehicle edge 

PS: I hope you understand me. If not, drop me a PM.

What in the archive?

* Example for ArmA2

* Example for ArmA2 OA

* Readme on two languages

PS: Excuse for the bad English language:)

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Has anyone else looked this script ?

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Thanks for this, I added some stuff I'd already done and now looks less static.

_nm = TypeOf (_this select 1);
if (_this select 0) then { 

_c130 = _this select 1; 
_chute = (_this select 2) createVehicle [0, 0, 0]; 
_chute setPos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getPos _c130 select 1)-10, (getPos _c130 select 2)-10];
_box = (_this select 3) createVehicle [0, 0, 0];
_box setPos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getPos _c130 select 1)-10, (getPos _c130 select 2)-10];
_box attachto [_chute, [0, 0, 0]];

//-------------------------------------------------------- Rotate
_ndir   = 0;
_ndir   = getdir _chute;
_speed  = (random 0.02)+0.06;
_rotdir = (random 4)-2;

while {((getPos  _box select 2) >2)} do
_ndir = _ndir + _rotdir;
	_chute setdir _ndir;
		sleep _speed;
//-------------------------------------------------------- End

waitUntil {((getPos _box) select 2) < 1};
switch (true) do 
 case not (alive _box): {detach _box;_box setpos [(getpos _box select 0), (getpos _box select 1), 0];};
 case alive _box: {detach _box;_box setpos [(getpos _box select 0), (getpos _box select 1), 0];_bam =(_this select 3) createVehicle [(getpos _box select 0),(getpos _box select 1),(getpos _box select 2)+0]; deletevehicle _box;"SmokeShellgreen" createVehicle getPos _bam;_flare = "F_40mm_White" createVehicle [getPos _bam select 0,getPos _bam select 1,+150];};
_vel = 20;// force chute away from vehicle
_chute setvelocity [(_vel)+(sin _ndir* _speed),(_vel)+(cos _ndir* _speed),(_vel)];

} else {

_c130 = _this select 1;
_chute = (_this select 2) createVehicle [0, 0, 0];
_chute setPos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getPos _c130 select 1)-10, (getPos _c130 select 2)-10];
_box = (_this select 3) createVehicle [0, 0, 0];
_box setPos [(getpos _c130 select 0), (getPos _c130 select 1)-10, (getPos _c130 select 2)-10];
_box attachto [_chute, [0, 0, 1]];

//-------------------------------------------------------- Rotate
_ndir   = 0;
_ndir   = getdir _chute;
_speed  = (random 0.02)+0.06;
_rotdir = (random 4)-2;

while {((getPos  _box select 2) >2)} do
_ndir = _ndir + _rotdir;
	_chute setdir _ndir;
		sleep _speed;
//-------------------------------------------------------- End

A few things would give it more appeal would be sounds when the stuff hits the ground, I did this for exploding barrels.

Maybe add some dust. I suck at particle effects.

Oh vehicles seem locked BTW..


Edited by F2k Sel

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Hi... would like to download the script but nothing I click on works. Don't read Russian!!!

EDIT: AHHH...Got it finally. Thanks for the work.

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Thanks a lot mate.... I eventually did get it.... but that will be better for others. Thanks again.

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Excellent - I am using the previous version in my current SP mission - I will swap it out for this one.

The only change I made was that you create the ammo boxes etc at [0,0,0] - on the map I am using this is the ocean which caused the ammo boxes and armour to immediately get destroyed. I instead moved the coordinates to an unused landmass.

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Excellent - I am using the previous version in my current SP mission - I will swap it out for this one.

The only change I made was that you create the ammo boxes etc at [0,0,0] - on the map I am using this is the ocean which caused the ammo boxes and armour to immediately get destroyed. I instead moved the coordinates to an unused landmass.

a good tip instead of using the [0,0,0] is to replace it with [0,0,200] to spawn it 200 meter in the air, so then you can setpos it to wherever you want, no water will trouble you again.

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Jedra, very strange. I'm just checking it on a Utes. All worked fine! You have not changed the script? :confused:

a good tip instead of using the [0,0,0] is to replace it with [0,0,200] to spawn it 200 meter in the air, so then you can setpos it to wherever you want, no water will trouble you again.

Good advice!

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If you use setpos instead of attachto on the ammobox it stops bouncing up and down.

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Jedra, very strange. I'm just checking it on a Utes. All worked fine! You have not changed the script? :confused:

Good advice!

No, I didn't change the script - I am using it on Isla Duala - I haven't tried it on the other islands as a standalone script (your demos work though).

@Demonized - I originally did just try and spawn them in the air, but the same thing happened - they got destroyed immediately.

Perhaps it's a peculiarity with Duala? Anyway, spawning them to a marker on dry land works for me on that island so there's no great panic!

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Jedra, ok, thanks for explanation!

PS: I not tested script on another islands!

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