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CWR2 coop pack

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You're welcome.

There will be some conversions of existing missions in a winter setting in one of the coming updates. With revamped FIA units in the pipeline there will be some resistance scenario's for those as well.



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That's good news :)

ps: i'm working on SP mission pack for Cwr2 mod, missions for British Expansion. :)

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Bear Brush -

missing a ; in line 317, briefing.sqf

Number 4 has one too many mags and is thus missing the carl gustav rocket.

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The more missions for CWR2, the better.


Thanks for the bug report, fixed version will be included in the next update. The AT gunner class in the addon is apparently defined without a round for the RCL.



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Is that the gustav gunner for the uk paras? I shall fix that when I get back on my pc later. Shouldn't be too long forthe next update of the uk pack but we can always release a hotfix patch in the meantime if its an issue.

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That's good news :)

ps: i'm working on SP mission pack for Cwr2 mod, missions for British Expansion. :)

Looking forward to it!

---------- Post added at 05:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Sander corps competency to too hard in single player, can you put for troops in, like 9 or so?

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Is that the gustav gunner for the uk paras?

Yes, but it can wait, as long as the mission provides extra ammo, it's ok.

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The AT gunner class in the addon is apparently defined without a round for the RCL.

Turns out he does have a round for the gustav in the config. The error is that he carries an extra magazine therefore its pushed out of the inventory slots by default.

I have fixed it anyway.

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7 missions ready, release tonight or tomorrow morning.

---------- Post added at 10:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 AM ----------

Edited by tom3kb

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Also, there is a Trinity mission in the pack. I haven't got the Trinity pack, so I'm certain I didn't mix it up.


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That is right, noticed while preparing the coming update that there was one file more than expected. It will be moved into the right folder for the Trinity pack update.

Corps Competency might be hard, but it is doable. We accomplished it using two different approaches, both of which worked out. The most recent beta release gave a problem with the door not opening, but two satchels brought down the building so that objective could be achieved as well. Explosives can remove almost any problem, depending on the dosage.

The five man team splits up into two elements, a two man team with KRR and MAG that occupies an overwatch position on the hillside and an assault team of three carrying loads of handgrenades. Once the overwatch is in position and the assault element hugs the wall of the base, open fire with marksman rifle and MG and let the others start chucking handgrenades over the wall, then break into the base, shoot any remaining guards, blow up the armour with satchels (one in the middle of the SPAAG pair, two in the intervening ground between the three MBT) and destroy the softskins with battlefield salvage handgrenades. Till the restored enterable barracks appears place two satchels to bring down the barracks, enter the area in front of the table, then make yourself scarce asap. Overwatch should in the mean time reposition to cut down any response forces appearing, then collapse as an element to the LZ for extraction. Take your time setting up for the actual attack, but once engages hit hard and move fast. It can be done.



Edited by sander

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Sander corps competency to too hard in single player, can you put for troops in, like 9 or so?

Yes, Corps Competency is utterly unplayable on SP* using beta R5. No doors at the base open, and there is obviously not enough time (or satchels, given that other team members will surely die, necessitating that you go back to their corpses to get their satchels) to blow up every building (there 8 or 9) in search of the documents, let alone blow up all vehicles**, before tanks come from other bases and surely waste your sorry ass. From map there is no way of knowing which building has documents (that would be ok if doors would open, but they do not). So the only way to finish mission in SP is to play over and over, blowing each building and attempting to find docs in rubble, to find the right building.

For SP at least, it is not worth playing that mission until doors become open-able again. Also, it would be A LOT more fun if at least one of the tanks or Shilkas on the base were playable and not locked***. Spec OPS are fully trained in tank operation, just ask Mr. Gastovski! ;)

* but, then again, none of the missions in the coop pack are designed or balanced for SP, even though most are playable, although at an extreme difficulty level, especially on Veteran or higher with only one save game. :(

** It is unclear in briefing if all trucks have to be blown (in addition to tanks and Shilkas) to satisfy second "destroy vehicles" task.

*** I checked most, if not all, of the tanks and Shilkas, and they were all locked. Perhaps I missed an unlocked one, but, knowing sander's unforgiving mission design style, I highly doubt any are useable.

Once you play 4-6 times and find out in which building the documents are in, the mission is doable, even in SP, as long as you can get at least 3 guys into the base with their satchels. It would be nice if RPGs were available somewhere on the base, like on dead Russians at least, but they are not.

Edited by OMAC

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even if you want to play on Veteran or higher difficulty level you can set in options unlimited saves. This should help a little when you play in SP.

I play all sander's missions pack's only in SP so far i didn't found mission that i could not finish. But you are right, some of them are very, very hard (but even then still fun to play). ;)

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I never alter default Veteran settings to make my life easier. That's cheating in my book. On these missions, using Team Switch is always enough to get through on SP when you die; that is enough of a leg-up. I also have always been able to finish these missions, but only after rather extreme hardship, which is often fun. Nevertheless, the missions aren't designed for normal SP play. But Corps Competency is a no-go with the "locked" doors.

Edited by OMAC

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if you can finish Sander's missions only with 1 save game (for mission) you are good :D

I never even try to do this.

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Heh heh:


This was on Veteran.

I used my one save game just before the attack on the base. I got to evac chopper after securing all objectives, but one squadmate was injured and immobile at the base. All other squadmates were dead. I could have waited for my guy to die, and then mission would have ended with me getting on chopper alone, but I cheated and made a new save with me at the chopper, and then went back to heal my guy. Then we both made it back to chopper and escaped. I luckily had found an RPG on a dead Russian who came in as a reinforcement, or else I couldn't have finished blowing all the vehicles. As it was, I had to use grenades to waste two of the trucks. I found the documents by looking through building windows, and then used 2 satchels to blow the building. Miraculously, the table on which the documents were lying was untouched by the explosion, so I could retrieve the docs easily. ;)

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Yes, the fact that R5 made the barracks unenterable adds to the difficulty, but this was reported internally and will be restored in the next release. Placing a satchel charge between the tanks and SPAAG should allow one to destroy them with the greatest efficiency. This should allow one to save up two charges to destroy the barracks and grab the intel. The armour will not go up immediately using that approach to the demolition job, but the vehicles will brew up after a few seconds. Battlefield salvage of handgrenades should suffice to deal with the softskins. The lethality of the FAL(O) available to the raiders is an advantage that allows one to cut down on rifle ammo compared to the 5.56 rifles and bring along other necessary stores. The man's rifle tends to drop the opponents in one go and will seldom require follow up hits to put them out of action.



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I also took lots of grenades from the Russian trucks before blowing them using those grenades. And I took out the UAZ MG, a Shilka, and one tank with the NLAW. Besides the optional single NLAW, there is no option in briefing loadout to take more satchels or grenades, however, so there is no real choice there, and you end up having tons of FAL ammo rather than the additional satchels, grenades, and NLAW you need. It can be very trying to go find corpses of your comrades to get their satchels. Having a RPG in one of the trucks or on guarding Russian soldiers would greatly help, as would having more than one NLAW and more satchels available in briefing loadout. But the problem of paucity of explosive weapons will be significantly alleviated once the doors become open-able again. With your NLAW ammo out and no RPGs, when the BMP comes it creates terror. Thank heavens one of the reinforcing soldiers had an RPG! Whew!

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Each man starts out with a single satchel on his belt kit and another in his Bergen, so that gives 10 in total for the five man team. Once in game one can check the ammo crate attached to the Zodiac, which has three additional charges and a LAW launcher with three missiles in it. It is therefore possible to haul 13 explosive charges and 6 AT rockets to blow up the targets and knock out the QRF BMP. That is definitely sufficient bang for the job.



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ARGH!!!!!! Forgot to check the Zodiac!!!! :o One of my underling squadmates should have reminded me, as I was in a rush to create mayhem! :rolleyes: A note in the briefing about Zodiac ammo cache would also help, as would having the starting positions in the boat or very near it so the player(s) can see the crate.


Higher score after following a scorched earth policy and nailing the BMP with my pilfered RPG.

Edited by OMAC

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Cheers for sharing Sander. As always, top notch quality. Are you still working on Iron Front:Liberation 1944 missions?

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Yes, and they will be released in due time. For the next few weeks I am tied up in creating some CWR2 units and expanding the pack to make use of the new content. There will be several dozen new coop missions in the next installment of the CWR2 pack.



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There will be several dozen new coop missions in the next installment of the CWR2 pack.


Looking forward to it!

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The 4.0 version of this coop pack contains updates to numerous missions to correct minor problems as well as 20 new missions, many of which take advantage of the updated FIA units available in beta release six of CWR2, to bring the total of included mission files to a solid 125.

New files:





















Full details can be found in the readme.txt file reproduced in the first post of this thread.

Download current version



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