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Using triggers in scripts

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I have a script simulating the tailrotor being shot out on a blackhawk which sends it into a spin. When it finally lands, miraculously wink.gif , in one piece the passengers jump out and start running away from them. Then I would like to place a trigger checking if the area around the chopper is free of people before blowing it up. How do I do this? In the script I've tried checking a variable set in the trigger and I've tried giving the trigger as an argument and checking for true/false on that. Doesn't work. How do I use trigger etc variables in scripts?

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Um, have you tried this kind of trigger:

Axis A: 20 (or whatever) Axis B: 20 (or whatever)

Activation: West

Not present

Condition: this and ChopperChrashLanded

On activation: BlowChopperIntoSkies=true wink.gif

(ChopperChrashLanded must be true when the it is chrashlanded... naturally)

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So to set a variable that can be read by the trigger I just put variablename = true in the script?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MrZ @ May 22 2002,21:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So to set a variable that can be read by the trigger I just put variablename = true in the script?<span id='postcolor'>

If I understand your question correctly, yes.

If you want to activate a trigger with a variable, you put for example

Condition: ActivateThisDarnTrigger

and when you want the trigger to be activated, set ActivateThisDarnTrigger=true.

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