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Billy Bones

Quick Q on ARMA2 Req's

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I bought Arma2 and set most opts to high, but I get buildings flickering , roofs and walls coming in and out, sign posts only clear to read right up close, grass a stuff flickering and when running now and again the games freezes for a spilt second.

Window XP SP3

Core2 E7400 2.8Ghz clocked to 3Ghz

4Gb DDR3

ATI HD5770 1Gb DDR5

I am not an expert but if the Core2 is not enough that would be more to do with Frame Rate would it not, as for the graphics 4GB DDR and a HD5770 1Gb DDR5 on board I would think should be enough to set to the highest settings.

I did a test and set Graphic settings to Normal and ran the 2 benchmark missions .. No1 Daylight 46fps .. No2 Night with explosions .. 17fps.

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