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Kepchu´s Explosive Barrels Rig (EBR)

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Explosive Barrels Rig (EBR)

by Kepchu



This script creates an explosive barrels rig using a pre-placed pallet in editor. The explosion can be set using public variable, so you can set it any way you want (trigger, addaction menu, scripting, etc.).


- Random directions for barrels and charges.

- You can pick barrel´s color when calling the script.

- Different types of explosions.

- Barrels will fly when explosion.

- Second blast for barrels is allowed in a random fashion.

- Easy change of explosion by script variables (no need to touch other code than init variables).

- If you shoot a barrel, this will burn, then explode and set the entire rig explosion.

- You can have several EBRs, they will all explode at the same time when you set the variable.


- None, this script works with any installation of ArmA 2, OA and CO.


1. Copy EBR folder from demo mission.

2. Place a pallet in the editor, you can name it if you want.

3. You can call the script from pallet´s init line, or init.sqf or other init line by writing:

nul = [this,"SIZE","BARRELTYPE"] execVM "EBR\bomb_init.sqf";


- this or object_name: the name of the pallet where you want the bomb if called in another init line.
- SIZE: size of explosion can be:
- BARRELTYPE: just to change the barrel object among red, black and green:

4. Set variable

CLA_EBR_Explode = 1; publicVariable "CLA_EBR_Explode"; in trigger, script or action menu to set the explosion.


v1.1.1 First public version.

Added small change to set barrel types, now you can choose colors.

Some recode.

Tested esplosions for future versions.


v1.1.0b Object pallet used instead of marker.

Now you get direction and possition from pallet, so you just must care about possitiong it in editor the way you want.

Some optimisation of code.

Changed second blasts, now barrels will not change dramatically directions.

]Added variables to control classes for explosives.


v1.0.0b Initial version.

Using marker as refference for bomb position.

Multiplayer compatibility:

- Tested and working both on dedicated and non dedicated servers.

Known bugs:

- None related to code. Just Arma 2 bug with explosions, where even if you createvehicle an explosion using getpos above ground level, blasts will be seen in ground zero. Tested some explosions that don´t do it this way and worked ok.

Future features:

- Change explosions types so you can setpos the pallet above ground, and you´ll see the blasts there.

- Take array of pallets in init code so you can set explosions with different timming.

- If you think anything else just let me know.


Agresor (thanks for the video!)

CLA - Comunidad Latinoamericana de Arma 2 http://www.arma2la.com

Demo mission:

You can download the demo mission from here:

Let me know if the link is broken.

In demo mission you´ll see three arrays of EBRs near a hangar. You´ll spaen near them.

You can teleport in map by clicking new position.

Radio Alpha trigger available to set the bombs.

You can shoot barrels too to set the bomb.

For your missions, just copy EBR folder, place a pallet wherever you want the EBR to be, and call from init line.

Make sure you set:

CLA_EBR_Debug = 0;

to avoid debug messages.

Have fun!

Best regards... Kepchu.

Edited by KePcHu

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