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Anyone else is afraid what ArmA III is going to do to the addons scene?

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We all know giant mods like during OFP-times cant be done anymore, one single tank for ArmA II takes more effort then 50 addons for Operation Flashpoint, mainly due to the texturing.

Big mods like the Invasion 44 couldnt be released for ArmA, instead got ported for ArmA II, and in all likelyhood will be ported again for ArmA III.

Why should Addon makers bother for ArmA III to even start? The time the mod community starts rolling, the next game is due for release anyway.

Look at the addons that have been released, 90% are ArmA I or even OFP ports, or the infamous "Special Forces Reskins".

Is there any way BIS could steer against that? Release more powerful / easier mod tools?

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mainly due to the texturing

errr, texturing is probably the only thing that remained the same :s

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errr, texturing is probably the only thing that remained the same :s

RVMATs and Shaders in OFP, are you kidding?

In OFP you got yourself a texture from somewhere, painted in on your addon and it looked at least "ok" ingame. Not possible anymore ;)

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It's a fact that development takes way too long if you want bug free and decent models. As ArmA2 was released we were barely ready with CWR1, and by the look of it it will be the same when A3 is going to be released.

And honestly, I'm tired of working on a Mod every day for years, literally doing nothing else besides that with the game just to start over again when the next title is pushed out and then repeat with the next title.

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No, the community has to change. Especially with characters - either you learn to do something original or you stay.

Development time doesn't have too much to do with the configging etc in my experiences, it's the actual making of the models etc. It's all a lengthy process, especially if you do it from scratch. the only time one would spend most of their time 'texturing' would probably be people who retexture, which sounds exactly opposite of what you are asking

Teams spend years working on their addons. It's useless to whine about how X mod didn't get into Y game before Z game came out. most people who think like that truely don't care what they say so long as they get the addon faster and suited to them. The teams can't win, it's either release it for arma 2 first and get annoyed till no end about arma 3, or work on arma 3 version and receive all the comments on why they should make it for an earlier revision of the game.

Personally, I work without the thought of games. I will release my addons for whatever game I am playing them with. If I like them in arma 3 better than arma 2 then I will release in arma 3, and it's as simple as that. It's a waste of time to reconfigure and fix for two games. If people want my addons then they have to buy the game that its for. Sure, people will whine about it. They always will and always have.

I know i sound like a pessimist but i truly believe the above is true. a large part of the community is those who demand and ask. It's a waste of time to give those people credibility when making decisions on what to create addons for.

Edited by Fox '09

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It's a fact that development takes way too long if you want bug free and decent models. As ArmA2 was released we were barely ready with CWR1, and by the look of it it will be the same when A3 is going to be released.

And honestly, I'm tired of working on a Mod every day for years, literally doing nothing else besides that with the game just to start over again when the next title is pushed out and then repeat with the next title.

That's why i stick to OFP. Plus some lazzyness :D

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If an addon has been completed for A2 when A3 rolls around, or some time into A3 then it's possible that it may get imported, supposedly all that would be needed is perhaps some work in O2 for selections and configing, the model and texture as well as the set config would be the finished.

A1 had a long slow down because it introduced shaders that many were not familiar with, A2 had a similar experience mainly in how to use rvmats, unless another major thing comes up I doubt it will take as long to take off.

You have to ask yourself though, what drives you, is it to your content in a game, is it to see something you want to see in the game, is it to see what can be done with the engine when you push it and work around it's limits?

Edited by NodUnit

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The same was said about A1 -> A2

It obviously wasn't that easy, else many Mods wouldn't fight with models and configs until this day. And I doubt that adding ragdoll effects to units and PhysX compatibility is a matter of 'import and save' and add a few lines to a config.

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Who knows, but that is not to say everyone will be making use of the features. There will always be hardships to overcome, you can't move forward without them, the end question is are you going to overcome them or let them block you.

Of course there is no rule saying that people MUST do some form of modding, everyone is always free to quit at any time (but can you).

Besides isn't it a bit early to start panicking, within two days it's as though there is a big dark cloud hovering over the forums.

Edited by NodUnit

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To be honest ... I wasn't happy when A3 got announced. I created about 60 missions for A2/AO and just started converting my old A1 missions to A2. So when A3 is going to be released I can throw my work away because everyone I know will want to play A3. Years of work for nothing. Guess the only way to avoid this is to skip A3 for a while. I don't want to pay for new hardware anyway. But those are just my problems with the situation, not the fault of BIS or anyone else. So I blame nobody but myself.

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It's still a year away and there is no garuntee that everyone will move, in fact there is less, hell people are still modding for OFP and Arma1, the announcement doesn't mean we should think of it as the end of the modding scene for A2 and OA.

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Modding isn't a popularity contest, it's a hobby. As long as you have fun with it, that's nice, even if only a few people use your work. You can play ArmA2 and mod OFP like me or others, that's not a problem. Thus you shouldn't care what will happen next.

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I still play OFP and ARMA 1. This is no big deal. To many people are freaking out about something that is not even out yet.

BIS just needs to answer the question about ARMA2 addons if they are compatible right away or if they need anything changed. This is what everyone should be asking.

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I think a big issue with mods is that there wasnt much help with regards to bis sample models. I personally would have loved to see a example model in each catergory. 2 wheeled, 4 wheeled, tanks, boats ect. Its far too hard for beginners to pick up and start placing a model into arma2 compared to ofp days...

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I am not concerned per say, but BIS should take a bit of time, and release some helpers here and there, especially since most of what is required from their part is already there:

1. Sample models for each big class. I don't need to actual mesh, but rather its layout. Have been requesting some sort of sample for the damn animals for almost 1 year.

2. Some helpers, plug-ins for outside software. i know they have some, especially for those max and maya (check VBS 1.5). Shaders as well. O2 is good, but the professional modelers out there (and by that i mean the ones working with 3d software for a living) are not gonna re-learn another software just to make an addon.

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BIS like any other company have to work profitable...

People working in their spare time and for free are not forced to rush/release or stop their projects. Its a huge difference if you have to work on time schedules or if you have the choice of doing what you like. :)

Is it better to have projects released that are only-mostly closer to "50/50 done" or is it better to have one project "finally done"?

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I agree, its just not possible to "chase" engines nowadays - they are moving so fast.

You need a plan and you need to stick with it, and concentrate on that alone.

So many times I hear the same cry "Just port it over", when actually its not that simple.

As soon as BF3 was announced our community wanted to know if and when we would move PR: BF2 to it.

Now that ArmA3 is announced, we hear the same thing ...... as you know PR: ArmA2 has taken over a year now from our first announcement, and as we already know - it takes time because its a hobby for the Developers - you can not force people to a deadline.

One post today on our Forums summed it up for me to an extent:

Why not :( Why is it that PR is always 1 engine behind.

Either way its always interesting to see games engines being pushed to their limits.


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Not unlike Arma2, once the third in the series hits us many gamers won't have rigs optimized for it. Seems like a high performance mod using assets already developed for Arma2 would be in demand.

This way you could take advantage of the improved renderer, as well as any easily converted features while quickly releasing a fully functional game.


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Personally I don't plan on switching over right away either. I don't have much time these days, and I still have yet to learn things like RVMATs, blah blah blah. I have a project that has its scope, and I plan on achieving all my objectives with this engine. Anything beyond that will have to wait until I'm done catching up with this engine.


(PS: Shouldn't this be in the AIRIMIA section?)

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i'm not going over right away.. it'll be like the arma1 -> arma2 switch again. only, in my eyes, it'll probably be more lengthy.

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technology moves on, thats how its always been and like it or not, people will expect the mods to follow suit. imo the new advancements of Arma III should be seen as an opportunity instead of a threat and a chance to expand the ideas behind the mods to their true potential.

i mean, how many of us desperately wished the OFP40K mod was ported into Arma only to be disappointed when its makers steadfastly refuse so because 'OFP is good enough'.

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Legislator;1931761']To be honest ... I wasn't happy when A3 got announced. I created about 60 missions for A2/AO and just started converting my old A1 missions to A2. So when A3 is going to be released I can throw my work away because everyone I know will want to play A3. Years of work for nothing. Guess the only way to avoid this is to skip A3 for a while. I don't want to pay for new hardware anyway. But those are just my problems with the situation' date=' not the fault of BIS or anyone else. So I blame nobody but myself.[/quote']
And honestly, I'm tired of working on a Mod every day for years, literally doing nothing else besides that with the game just to start over again when the next title is pushed out and then repeat with the next title.

Then, i agree with you, many players take many times for addons and mission, for myself i add many addons in mission for respect the addons maker's works, but for what? for 2 years? it's stupid from BIS, i play since the first day on ofp1, but now maybe you give tools for modding but if it s for make a COD serie and all 2 years give us a buggy games, and when is become no buggy and when we have all a pc for use arma2, you change?

Next arma3 not for me, you now what BIS? wait 2 years more for release arma3 and make a good games, not a games with all times the sames buildings, same trees, same fade colors, it'sz boring after 10 years, we want a NEW games, we are not beta testers. Ah no, you want money for open a new studio again.

I allways supported you, but after the expensive DLC and that, finish for me until you make a real new games. On screen hraphism are just same AO, take a big machines you can take the same screen.

If i buy arma3 because i'm wrong, never i will do another work on it, we loose time, now just play.

Edited by Dalia

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Then, i agree with you, many players take many times for addons and mission, for myself i add many addons in mission for respect the addons maker's works, but for what? for 2 years? it's stupid from BIS, i play since the first day on ofp1, but now maybe you give tools for modding but if it s for make a COD serie and all 2 years give us a buggy games, and when is become no buggy and when we have all a pc for use arma2, you change?

Next arma3 not for me, you now what BIS? wait 2 years more for release arma3 and make a good games, not a games with all times the sames buildings, same trees, same fade colors, it'sz boring after 10 years, we want a NEW games, we are not beta testers. Ah no, you want money for open a new studio again.

I allways supported you, but after the expensive DLC and that, finish for me until you make a real new games. On screen hraphism are just same AO, take a big machines you can take the same screen.

If i buy arma3 because i'm wrong, never i will do another work on it, we loose time, now just play.

lol wut.

I don't know what you were saying half the time...but..just because ArmA 3 is coming out 3 years after ArmA 2 doesn't mean it's gonna be bad. 3 years is a very good time span for a game, and it's impressive to see BIS push out such a massive game in that time period.

Also the DLCs weren't expensive, if $10 for a large amount of content counts as expensive to you...get a job.

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