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Dedicated Server Optimization

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Please make the servers have better multi-core/multi-threading support for ArmA 3!

It's been well known in ArmA 2 that once you have two cores, all that matters is pretty much core frequency. Since most server companies/providers do not list information such as core frequency, you can easy get a terrible performing server.

I think everybody could agree here that the server software definetly needs some work so we can run larger missions with less fps issues.

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Agreed! If scripting was as simple as it is for single player along with fixing the skipping soldiers in the distance we would have a much more robust and enjoyable online experience.

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Scripting is as simple as it is for single player as it is for multiplayer, that's not what my post is about.

The skipping soldiers in the distance will hopefully be fixed, they have already improved it in single player for ArmA 2 (latest beta).

I made this post because I want my server's hardware can be used better. The maps are going to be larger than ArmA 2's maps and I don't want to have most of the map bare in warfare because the server software isn't smart enough to use all of my server's hardware.

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One killer in multiplayer for me is AI lag. Totally redcuces the experience for me when the AI skip along, I am not sure what causes it, but most Australian servers experience it for whatever reason.

I have learnt to live with it, but hopefully something can be done to fix it.

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Scripting is as simple as it is for single player as it is for multiplayer, that's not what my post is about.

The skipping soldiers in the distance will hopefully be fixed, they have already improved it in single player for ArmA 2 (latest beta).

I made this post because I want my server's hardware can be used better. The maps are going to be larger than ArmA 2's maps and I don't want to have most of the map bare in warfare because the server software isn't smart enough to use all of my server's hardware.

Thank you Gossamer!

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