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@ whisky

Please read the topic title again!

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I remember showing Flashpoint in 1998, just me, dressed in a Soviet soldier’s uniform, changing in a toilet to go on the show floor and promote the game. And now we are here!

We are now about one hundred people on the gaming side, and about the same on the simulation side (...)

There are more advantages in moving to a more advanced API, and really DirectX 11 for us is not about fancy graphical effects, but about stability. That’s what matters on PC. That’s why DirectX 11, because the fancy things can be added later once that stability is in there.

(Talking about the editor) We are not really changing much of it, but we do hope that some of the new systems will make it easier for people to publish maps and mods, and for players to find maps and mods. We hope that with Arma 3 it will be like one click, and you get all you need. So what is important here is not really changes to the SDK or the tools, but more how the mod is delivered to the end user.(...)More visibility for the mod makers makes modding more fun: seeing users playing in your mods is a huge reward.

Nothing new about A3 itself.

Edited by Smurf

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Doupe.cz has really positive impressions from playing Arma 3 on Gamecom (in Czech):


- most of stuff were said to be work in progress, mainly vehicles and controls

- he managed to hear the music and liked it

- he appreciated developers on site and community feedback on formums :icon_twisted:

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Indie Games CZ - my mini report

It took me only 30 minutes to get home, yet I still managed to forget A LOT on the way... long and difficulty day :(

It was a great event, wonderful to speak to Dean, Matt and Karel... Thanks for answering all those questions! Anyway, here's what I can remember:

  • particles are not dynamic, only affected by wind (those Comanche missile trails are pre-set), rotor downwash affects only clutter
  • it will be possible to adjust the particle limit in the video settings
  • radio protocol is being improved (starring Jay Crowe), more fluid, the goal is to remove the "Two! Move to! That! Tree! Six o'clock!" (although, come to think of it... I will miss it :) )
  • a team of developers (nicknamed Balance Task Force or something like that :)) is dedicated solely for editing AI and weapon configs for balancing purposes
  • AI engagements will be much more fun, no more "sniped from 300m with an AK without optics"
  • when spotted by an AI, the AI will shoot a little imprecise at first, gradually improving aim after that
  • the idea of underground structures in Arma is was put on hold because the AI couldn't navigate in them and the developers didn't want to move resources from elsewhere
  • it will be possible to have different key-binding presets (Arma 2 style / Arma 3 style etc)
  • different methods of giving commands are being checked (tried commo-rose, didn't like it because it would lock player's movement)
  • the goal is to make commanding units a little more personal, not just shouting at people by numbers
  • the campaign is not fully finalized yet, it's still being tweaked
  • the missions will be less about politics but no hollywood-ish presentation; in general, they are trying to avoid missions like Manhattan
  • PhysX will be awesome
  • lot less horses in front of BI HQ, lot more sheep :p

I don't taky any responsibility for the info being wrong, either because I didn't get it right... or because I was deliberately trolled by Karel :icon_twisted:

Edited by Myshaak
adjusted for truth (more or less) ;-)

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Fz.se features Arma 3 as one of the more anticipated games in 2013(amongst other games) .


For arma 3 they say. " The arma serie is one of the few counterweights where most other games goes for action before realism and where Call of duty and Battlefield reigns. Yet it is obvious that there is a demand for a more hardcore military simulation. The third game (of the arma serie) also promises to be better at everything with bigger battlefields, better animations and more variation during your time.

It will also be interesting to see what DayZ will mean for arma 3( in case of more players and similar).

They also got an article about Ivan and Martin in greece(most of it is from Dean hall during an interview with eurogamer)



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Eurogamer.cz visited BI Brno Studio


google translator (to english)

It is only reportage about making Limnos map. You can see Arma 3 team there and mainly it seems that Ivan is back in work there :). We can expect some proper preview soon.

I think I'm not going to translated it, but you might haven't seen yet old PCgamer preview from august so here it is.





Edited by BoboCZ

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Eurogamer.cz visited BI Brno Studio

It is only reportage about making Limnos map. You can see Arma 3 team there and mainly it seems that Ivan is back in work there :). We can expect some proper preview soon.

"This report was written based on visits to the Brno studio artists before their arrest in Greece and has been authorized by Bohemia Interactive. Next time will be followed by an interview with Ivan Buchta and preview properties ArmA third." - Wait for it :icon_twisted:

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] PC game Arma 3 still remains a big mystery for many tactical-FPS fans.

Will it live up to gamers' expectations and become hit? We will find out soon enough.

According to one of Bohemia Interactive Forum's users, the probable realease date of the full version of the game is set for 30 April 2013.

This information is to be considered unofficial and originates from one of the Australian shops, claiming to be in posession of a cover-box for Arma 3.

The developers themselves on the other hand, when questioned via the forums about the release date, answer that they are only now consideriing how to make the release date news public.

It seems they're just noodling over promotion and marketing issues now.

For anyone unfamiliar with the upcoming game here's a preview from the E3 2012.

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New article on idnes.cz (biggest Czech general news portal with a bonusweb.idnes.cz gaming section). Basically a recap of the story and settings and already known features, although with some news:

* March release date * (source unmentioned, exact wording is "The game is PC only and goes on sale during March, with Czech subtitles").

As the article went online today, we might hope for some Monday news from BI. Unless it's just a coincidence of course.

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The news is spreading like a fire in an oil refinery now.

Arma 3 will be exclusive to Steam


EDIT: RPS picked up on the story too and apparently asked BIS some questions regarding exclusivity.


Edited by OnlyRazor

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Now that's interesting (german): http://www.gamefeature.de/2013/index.php/pc-news/5048-peter-games-bringt-armed-assault-3-raus



- Peter Games/Morphicon (Publisher for the german speaking market for Armed Assault and ArmA 2) will publish boxed version of ArmA 3

- release date for this boxed version is announced for 3rd quarter 2013

- Peter Games/Morphicon will publish the game in the following countries:

 - Germany
 - Austria
 - Switzerland
 - France
 - United Kingdom
 - Spain
 - Italy
 - Portugal
 - Belgium
 - Luxembourg
 - Denmark
 - Norway
 - Finland
 - Sweden

- also it will be localized in the following languages:

 - german
 - english
 - french
 - italian
 - spanish

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