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looking for motivated members

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hey people I am looking for new people in our group. our group does not have a name or anything special, we are simply a bunch of friends who have know each other for a while(2 years) and we play missions using ACE mod and a few other mods, and yes we are on everyday. My name is Jabril(USA), there is Miguel(portuguese), Andras(Hungary), and Jon(Slovenia) and we all have out preferred armies to play as, we talk on skype and play everyday. I am the mission maker and scripter in the group. I have been using the editor since the days of OFP CWC so I have HIGH knowledge of the editor. the way my missions work, are anyway we as a group decide we want to do, but usually its army VS army, using high command,teamswitch, and unit recruitment, and yes I mean unit recruitment, as in you walk up to any guy(AI) and recruit him into your squad, REALLY FUN. so anyway hope you decide to join us, it wold be much appreciated. skype name(Jabril Turner-Dayton Ohio). we have no specific requirements, just that you aquire the mods we use(THERE ARE ALOT) and where most people give up, but I WILL help you as long as you keep your word and play fair.

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Hi ACE1434!

You guys seem like a dedicated group, so I hope your post is still relevant. I am about to conclude a 3-year combat service with the IDF in 2 months time, and looking for a group to co-op with once Army and I part ways.

Please let me know. :)


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I have added you on Skype.

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