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[CAMP] Blood On The Sand

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I'm still playing this and absolutely love it! No doubt, this is what "operation arrowhead" should've been and not that CoD style campaign that came originally.

Outstanding work!

In terms of suggestion, I'd only say the voices on the cutscenes. For me not having voices is a big mood breaker. But it's easy for me to say, I don't know how much trouble it takes to actually make them (on top of the acting, I mean).

I found a couple of bugs but all related to AI mods indeed. Sorry, I can't play vanilla any more, simply can't (enough of being sniped by a MG). The ambush mission was a VERY hard nut to crack as we were being slaughtered in 5 seconds, it took me some 10 tries to survive that much, and then several more to complete the mission almost as the sole survivor.

Then on the night spec ops mission (preemptive strike or something like that), untying the guerrila does not work with the SLX mod. I've tried several times with changes on my mods and that was def. it. (I'm also using ASR, Zeus and some other minor mods but no problem at all with those so far).

Keep up the good work! I loved the idea suggested before, of having a campaign from opfor point of view, and any other "different" things like that which could pop to mind.

edit: oh dang, remembered one thing. First proper mission, the one UN engages in a city (genocide?)

it's *impossible* to find the other team alive, right? At least I never ever did it, they are always slaughtered when I get to them...

Thanks again!

Edited by luizsilveira

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Thanks for the nice comments, guys! I'm not surprised there are some bugs appearing now as I haven't had any time to update the campaign in quite a while, whereas there have been many changes to Arma 2 in the meantime. Maybe I'll have time in the future to make an update to this and Operation Cobalt since I've learned so much since releasing them but, for now, the next work you'll see from me will be in Arma 3. :)

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Heh, cool. Too bad we'll have to wait though.

I love this missions/campaigns with story lines, characters, etc. It's a huge factor for me, but not so easy to find. I'm trying to create some myself but the amount of time to create all the "side stuff" (i.e., not the mission itself) and the steep learning curve are not encouraging so far. No wonder there aren't so many around, and one more reason why your stuff stands out. The way it seems so far, one could easily spend a whole day of work to do a single cut scene :butbut:

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Help. I'm playing the technology mission. I have cleared the town, destroyed the T-72 and cleared the compound to the east of the town. I still can't find Mahmood Al-Shafeen. Where is he?

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just finished the campaign. Absolutely wonderful with a really good balance. Much better than the official missions. Thanks zipper5.

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