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Destroy objective and activate trigger

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How can I activate a trigger by destroying and objective that is not destroyable?

For example, I put a satchel charge near a electric line, blow it up, and activate a trigger. But the electric line is not destroyable, so, I cant put "not alive" in the trigger. How? then... :confused:

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I'm no expert, but maybe you could do something where you check the proximity of the satchel to the object, and when activated/detonated, you use a remove object and place object command to replace the original object with the destroyed one, with objective completion based upon the presence of the destroyed static stand-in.

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I am not an expert neither, and I did not understand anything about how to do what you say :s

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I'm new to ArmA2 editing myself, has been a few years since I worked on OFP and VBS stuff. So take my comment/suggestion lightly.

One option is to place some sort of small object immediately underneath your planned objective target and place it below the ground level just enough that it can no longer be seen. Use an object that when destroyed has no visual effects (smoke/flame/explosion/etc), which I'm sure there are dozens of them available (maybe traffic cone, empty crate, etc).

If a satchel were placed within range to "destroy" you power lines, it should also be within range to destroy the object you placed under the ground, correct? Or would the blast radius of the satchel not actually penetrate the ground immediately below it? It might be worth trying out. If it works, you can simply use the "alive" status of that object for your trigger instead of the power lines.

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Yes, that is what I set the trigger now, using a car near the objective, but I want to know if there is another way.

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I'm still pretty new to all of this but I would do as ninja said and place a small object under the ground near the electric line. You wouldn't be able to see it so nobody would know. The only other way I could see doing it is with IDs but I'm not sure if electric lines even haveIDs or if it would work.

I just came across this. From what I understand it make objects invisible. This means you could just place an invisible cone right next to it and problem solved. I don't exactly know howto use it but I'm sure someone here could help.

Edited by MikeySnipes

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