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New(ish) player looking for a British Forces squad

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Hello everyone,

I've just bought ARMA II: Combined Operations and both expansion packs, and I'm looking for a British Forces-themed clan or squad to play with online.

I've only done a few multiplayers so far, but I've enjoyed being a medic, or else just ferrying squads across the battlefields in a car or helicopter. I played Operation Flashpoint for years before I got ARMA II, so I'm pretty sure of the controls.

I'm afraid I don't have a microphone at this point, but I've been able to communicate fine so far with messages or the radio commands.

If this message is in the wrong forum, sorry about that. Let me know where I should repost it. If you are a part of a British Forces squad, or know of one, let me know!

Thanks alot,

JollySam (or just Sam in-game)

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