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How to make a civilian throw a grenade at a policeman

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Hey guys, I need help. I want to make a civilian throw a grenade at a policeman, so I have written a small script for this:

man1 addWeapon "HandGrenade"; man1 addMagazine "HandGrenade";
man1 selectWeapon "HandGrenade"
man1 doTarget police2
man1 doFire police2

But it doesn't work :confused: Does anyone has an idea how to make the civilian do it?

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Hi, try this:

first make one EAST unit and in east soldier Initalization box write this: deletevehicle this; 
when done make civilian with name bomberman1, too make civilian in group with east soldier to get different side!


bomberman1 [color="red"]addmagazine[/color] "HandGrenade"
bomberman1 [color="red"]dofire[/color] policeman1


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Hi, try this:

first make one EAST unit and in east soldier Initalization box write this: deletevehicle this; 
when done make civilian with name bomberman1, too make civilian in group with east soldier to get different side!


bomberman1 [color="red"]addmagazine[/color] "HandGrenade"
bomberman1 [color="red"]dofire[/color] policeman1


It doesn't work. I was not able to force AI fire handgrenade. I tried doTarget, doFire, fire but nothing seems to work. I also tried to make the cop enemy to civil and set the cop's addRating to -5000 but I failed.

I works perfectly if you give a gun to the civil but when you try with handgrenade you have no succes.

So, I found solution with CombatRunThrowGrenadeStart animation and createVehicle a nade to the target position. SP/MP compatible.


;Unit fire handgrenade Script by Nikiller v0.9b
;Make unit fire handgrenade on another unit
;Note: Place a game logic named server on the map
;contact: nikillerofp@hotmail.fr
nik_dir=loadfile "dir.sqf"



private [{_t}, {_nz}, {_x}, {_y}];

_t = _this select 0;
_nz = _this select 1;

_x=(getpos _nz select 0) - (getpos _t select 0);
_y=(getpos _nz select 1) - (getpos _t select 1);
_x atan2 _y


;Unit fire handgrenade Script by Nikiller v0.9b
;Make unit fire handgrenade on another unit
;Note: Place a game logic named server on the map
;contact: nikillerofp@hotmail.fr
;[unitFireName,targetName] exec "scriptName.sqs"

_ls=local server
_lp=local player

_c = _this select 0
_p = _this select 1

if (_ls) then {_c setDir ([_c,_p] call nik_dir); _c doTarget _p}
if (_lp) then {_c switchMove "CombatRunThrowGrenadeStart"}
if (_ls) then {boom="GrenadeHand" createVehicle (getpos _p)}



IMPORTANT: don't forget to name dir.sqf and not sqs



Edited by Nikiller

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Thank you guys for help, but today i found out that there's a nice addon - "Gimbal Tossers", it adds civilians throwing bottles and some other things at enemy and it works without any ingerence from the missionmaker :yay: Sorry for taking your time ;)

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I was able to get civillian to throw grenades.

It doesn't work. I was not able to force AI fire handgrenade. I tried doTarget, doFire, fire but nothing seems to work. I also tried to make the cop enemy to civil and set the cop's addRating to -5000 but I failed.

I works perfectly if you give a gun to the civil but when you try with handgrenade you have no succes.

So, I found solution with CombatRunThrowGrenadeStart animation and createVehicle a nade to the target position. SP/MP compatible.

errrrm - civilian has weapon - "Throw" - meaning you did not use removeAllWeapons man1?

man1 addWeapon "HandGrenade"; man1 addMagazine "HandGrenade";


man1 selectWeapon "HandGrenade"


man1 doTarget police2


man1 doFire police2

Try the below instead:

man1 addMagazine "HandGrenade";man1 addMagazine "HandGrenade";


man1 doTarget police2


man1 doFire police2

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I was able to get civillian to throw grenades.

errrrm - civilian has weapon - "Throw" - meaning you did not use removeAllWeapons man1?

Try the below instead:

man1 addMagazine "HandGrenade";man1 addMagazine "HandGrenade";


man1 doTarget police2


man1 doFire police2

Yes I know that civilian have throw and put weapon by default and using removeAllWeapons doesn't change anything.

Sorry maybe I'm doing something wrong but your script doesn't work for me.


NB: use radio alpha to activate the script.



Edited by Nikiller
added demo link

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