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Arma 3

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Before you read this know that all and anything I say are my thoughts and suggestions from my point of view. I do not mean to negetively critisize Bohemia Interactive or any users.

By this time we have all been able to enjoy and have an amzing time with the Arma series. But is there going to be a next installment, and if so, what will it be like?

I already know there is a thread conserning a MMORPG from the guys at Bohemia Interactive, but in my opinion (with all due respect) that isn't going to happen.

The Arma series have come a long way from the first Operation Flashpoint, and although you can edit and customize you copy of the game with all kinds of great mods and addons, I feel there are some things that need to be taken to the next level.

I created this thread for Arma fans to be able to leave there thought on this and give suggestions for the next game. And hopefully get the voice of the fan to the developer.

These are my idea's


- First of all, in my opinion I think Arma should always stay a simulator. Bohemia Interactive have done an amazing job on accurately simulating war. Munitions being affected by gravity when fired, the loads of accurately portrated vehicles, simulated guns, war tactics, artificial intellegence etc. It would be a waste to throw all that work and knowledge away after all these years. Ofcourse I trust BI to keep doing what they're best at :).


- Animations

Soldiers walk run and handle they're guns very realistic. Unfortinately that isn't always carried over to everyting. Soldiers still just pop in and out of vehicles, I would like to see a full animation of them getting in and out of all the vehicles. In know this is a hard thing to accomplish but I believe it would greatly improve the experience.

Also when carrying a wounded teammate or healing them could get a lot of improvment. When you carry a teammate he just hovers over your head, and healing seems to be placing both hands on his stomach for a couple of seconds. Full healing animations for medics and more refined animated dragging/carrying movents.

Finally there are the AT and AA weapons, when you select them from the menu if you are carrying them, you just swing it from you back to in front of you in a moments notice. Know that it takes some time to assemble a Javiln Missle and that you do not load an AT4 before firing it. If you load a barrel mounted grenade launcher there is no munition visible, when you load an SMAW weapon system the character just pops his hand in front of the barrel and you have loaded a missle. This can be greatly improved.

- Integrated warfare

With that I mean I would like to see a more complete picture of units working together, sharing intellegence, and communicating from beginning to end. In Arma 2 we have the USMC LHD carrier. Although it is an editor object there isn't really much to it. I would like to see missions where you would start on the LHD as a fully functional maritime operational platform with an interior and a internal bay where (just like the real one) LCAC's and other amphibious vehicles are stationed. This way you could use the LHD in missions with a supporting role, as a starting/eding point for the mission. As a base where you can resupply/heal/repare/refuel.

- More realistic radio chatter.


- WarFX

I'm talking better particle effects. Smoke, dust and water particles look all the same but in diffrent colours. They can also seem misplaced from some angles. When you drop a bomb on the ground it places a hole in the earth on top of the ground, not an actual hole, so I would like to see more realistic destruction. As well with vegitation/fences and alike. They just fall over when they are destroyed but the don't actually splinter/crumble/desintigrate.

More realistic afterburners for jets, and also the effect that makes the air around hot engines and fires ribble.

Better destruction on vehicles, for instance. When a plane crashes into the ground it almost always completely desintigrates in a million pieces which is coupled with a lot of smoke and fire. It could also lose a wing in a dogfight or when it crashes into something.

This is pretty much all I can think of now, I'm sure that I will come up with more idea's.

I'm most interested in what the other fans think and if they have some great new idea's to improve upon Arma's experience.

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We have already a couple of threads in this very forum about a possible (or not so possible) ArmA3. We don't need yet another discussion about this.

Please search before posting.

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