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Cant put Womans in boats!

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I tried to put civillian woman (faction chenarus & eurowoman etc) into the large fishing boat, they wont get in. I tried to sync with "get in" WP, they give the order to "board" but wont get in even though the boat was right by the shore and i could get into it as a soldier!

i named the boat f1 and used in units Init: this moveincargo f1; worked fine with all other male civies and soldiers but not woman.

Anyone noticed this?

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Mywoman assignascargo f1; [Mywoman] ordergetin true

see if that works, if it doesnt, then BIS doesnt appreciate woman doing stuff in this game lol

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i have seen a post about woman units not being able to board trucks aswell.

not sure where, and how old the post was.

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The female models in ArmA II are not fully functional and are missing animations in lots of cases. Only few vehicles work with female models, and even fewer can be operated by them...mostly civilian vehicles.

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The female models in ArmA II are not fully functional and are missing animations in lots of cases. Only few vehicles work with female models, and even fewer can be operated by them...mostly civilian vehicles.

Its supposed to be realistic I guess ;)

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You could cheat by using attachTo to make it look like they're just standing in the back.

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Was a realism feature...

+ stop people getting run over


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The topic title made me laugh, mostly because I've ran into these problems. It's true, women cannot ride in boats (or drive), and they cannot drive trucks/SUV's (but they can ride in those).

I don't consider attachTo as cheating if it solves an obstacle. This is what I use in a mission to get a woman into the back of an RHIB (back middle seat):

nameOfWomanUnit attachTo [RHIB_Name,[0,-2.6,-2.4]];

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try putting her in the kitchen - i think thats the default setting. ;)

this movein kitchen; this allowtalk false; 

Edited by Lightspeed_aust

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Women in game are pretty useless. Just from a mission makers viewpoint.

back in OFP female charackters could do anything the male ones could do, includign operatijng weapons...but the animations are more life like now...I guess the special animations for females, young and old also have different animastions, are the problem here, while all male models use the standard soldier animations.

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this doMove getPos kitchen; this disableConversation true


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try putting her in the kitchen - i think thats the default setting. ;)

this movein kitchen; this allowtalk false; 

ahh sh#t hot so much funnies :bounce3:

Yeah i assumed BIS programmed the ladies that way for a reason, woman wernt supposed to drive expensive big boys toys! But will giv the "attachTo" as it is only for mission props anyway

eventually we might get lucky

wife moveinbed [sex,1]; this dofire wife

my code needs work, sheet so does my social life lol :yay:

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